Chapter 36

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"Delphine spotted me while you were away." Lydia informed Artis on their way back to Riften, "She and Esbern have another task for you and nearly kidnapped me to tell them where you are."

Artis rolled her eyes. Those two really got on her nerves, "What did you tell them?"

"That you're traveling North towards Winterhold to speak with the mages at the college. I figured that would throw them off track for some time."

She didn't forget about her duties as Dragonborn – whatever they might be. The only reason why she was avoiding the two Blades was because she wanted to spend her time with the Guild. Whatever task they had for her will lead to slaying Alduin in the end, a quest she doubted she'll come out alive.

The carriage ride was comfortable and peaceful. She and Lydia caught up on the time they haven't seen each other. She told her about everything she's been up to in the Guild, her quests with Brynjolf and even how she felt about him. Then she told Lydia what Maul said, his exact words and she had the privilege to see the stoic Nord blush.

"Where will I stay once we're in Riften?" Lydia asked, "The Guild is not an option and I doubt the Bee and the Barb will allow a person to stay longer than three days."

"Not if they're offered a fine sum of money." Artis pointed out, "I'll figure something out. There's an empty house in Riften so far I know. I'll see what I can do to gain the jarl's trust to buy it."

They reached Riften by late noon.

Artis immediately marched up to the Bee and the Barb and spotted Maul at the bar, where she expected he would be, "Maul!"

The big, bear-like Nord turned his head towards the call and waved at Artis, only to spot Lydia behind her. His eyes grew and he chocked on the mead in his mouth, coughing until it spurted from his nose. Lydia grinned. Artis hooked her arm around her housecarl's and dragged them over to the bar.

"Good to see you, Maul." She smirked and patted him on the back, "Look who I ran into while in Whiterun!" she made Lydia sit down next to him, "What a coincidence. Well, I have some business to attend to. Why don't you tell Lydia about that time you saved my life and fought off three cave bears at the same time? I'll see you around!"

Artis briefly paid for a room for Lydia and promised to keep the money coming until she found another place for her to stay at. Though she hoped that things between Maul and Lydia would move fast enough that she would stay with him instead. Artis slipped out of the back exit of the inn and made her way to the secret entrance.

"Three bears, huh?" Lydia grinned, watching Maul's cheeks glow red.

"Uh, let me buy you a drink." He quickly changed the topic, "Hey, did I tell you about that time when I saved the jarl's life by throwing a bandit with a rock?"

The cistern was busy for a change. Thieves were marching up and down, preparing to go out on jobs, repairing their equipment, sharpening their blades, modifying their armour and forging more lockpicks. The curse was broken, and new hope filled the hearts of the Guild. No more failed heists, or empty strong boxes or dead thieves.

Brynjolf was at the desk, scanning through some papers when she approached him, "Bryn, you'll never believe what happened at the Sepulcher!" she beamed, excitement radiating off her, "You should've seen it! It was massive! And, you'll never believe me when I tell you, but I saw a ghost... and guess who it was? It was G-"

"Sorry, lass, I got important things to do." He interrupted her rather curtly, "We'll speak another time."

She frowned and smiled in confusion, "Another time? But... this is another time. You told my that the last time I saw you."

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