Chapter 20

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On their way back to Riften, Artis had to make a quick detour up the Throat of the World to return the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller. Brynjolf didn't mind much to accompany her though, but after about one hundred steps, he started complaining. First it was his feet that were sore, then his legs were aching, then his back was killing him. They had to stop and rest after every 500 steps. And as expected, they encountered a few wolves on the way, as well as another frost troll, which Artis shouted off the cliff.

By the time they've reached the top, it was already noon and they both were exhausted.

"This better be worth it, lass." Bryn muttered as they entered the stone building, "I'll need to go see a healer after this."

"Don't be such a drama thief." She whispered back.

The inside of the Greybeards' sanctum was cold as usual and deadly quiet. What else could she expect? Of course it would be cold, since the sanctum is all the way up the Throat of the World and made completely out of stone. And of course it would be quiet, since the only Greybeard who was allowed and able to speak, was Arngeir. Artis found him in the center of the room, meditating on his own.

"Master Arngeir, I've brought you the horn." She whispered, afraid that she might be breaking a connection to whatever Divine he was meditating to.

Arngeir didn't seem to mind being interrupted though, "Very good, Dragonborn. Then, let us not stand here any longer. Master Wulfgar will teach you the final word of power you will need to complete your Unrelenting Force."

On cue, Master Wulfgar strolled into the room, along with Master Borri and Einarth. Master Wulfgar bowed down to the stone floor. First Artis thought he was bowing to her, but then the floor cracked open to reveal one final word. Brynjolf's eyebrows raised in surprise, since he has never seen anything like this in his life.

Artis walked over to the word, just like she did with the other words the Greybeards taught her. She let her eyes follow the letters of the dragon language and allowed her inner dragon to recognize the it. When that happened, her vision blurred, and the word lit up, burning itself into her line of sight.

DAH. Push.

Master Wulfgar presented her with a dragon soul and she felt the word becoming active in her.

"You have completed your trial, Dragonborn." Arngeir announced, "It is time that we officially recognize you the true Dragonborn."

As soon as Arngeir spoke those words, all the Greybeards closed in on her and formed a large circle around her. Then they started chanting in dragon tongue. The floor and walls shook with every word they spoke. Brynjolf stumbled backwards until his back hit the nearest wall. Even then he couldn't keep his balance and instead fell to the floor. Artis decided that to stand on her knees to keep her balanced was a good idea. While trying to keep herself from falling, she recognized the words the Greybeards were chanting.

"Long has the Storm Crown Languished with no worthy brow to sit upon.
By our breath we bestow it now to you in the name of Kyne, in the name of Shor, and in the name of Atmora of old.
You are Ysmir now, the Dragon of the North. Hearken to it."

When the ritual was complete, the floor stopped shaking. Artis rose from the floor and straightened up to face the Greybeards, feeling strangely stronger.

"You are now recognized as the Dragonborn by the Divines." Arngeir announced, "And I am proud to call you one of our own. Please, return here anytime you want, Dragonborn. There will always be room for you here at High Hrothgar." At the end of his sentence, he took a bow before Artis, claiming his loyalty and respect towards her.

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