CHAPTER TWO: Broken arm

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I knew he was staring. He's always staring at me.

His deep eyes always looked into mine for some reason and every time I looked into them they remind me of the midwinter sky, they make me believe that his eyes would make sapphires envious.

When I first met Andy I used to believe his glacier eyes were ice-cold, that they knew no warmth and never shared love but now if I look really close I can clearly see the sadness of heartbreak, the joy of love, the hope of the future, the pain of sorrow, and the fire of a spirit that would never give up.

"Alright, fine! You win Robbie." I sighed, tossing the juggling balls onto the ground. Robbie's was a better juggler, I needed to get that stupid fact inside my thick skull because sometimes I couldn't seem to. I was just jealous that Robbie was better than me at more creative things. Sometimes I believed I couldn't do anything and that I was worthless.

I flopped down onto the sofa beside Andy. He wasn't staring at me anymore but now I was. I still felt bad for hitting him in the nose, but he didn't seem to be bothered by it at all. I stared at him up and down but he didn't know it. There were a few cookie crumbs on his shirt and jeans and the way he was eating his last cookie made it hard for me to keep up my act.

But, suddenly, he lifted his head up and looked at me again as if he knew I was staring, "The cookies are really good."

I chuckle. Of course, they are.

"Yeah, they are. I'm happy you like them." I said but his eyes held an uncertain emotion. They seemed odd right now. Still beautiful but...odd. I arched my eyebrows up. "Are you okay, Andy?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He smiled. "Anyway, I've got a perfect gift for you. It's simple but I think it could be useful for someone like you."

I smiled softly, grateful he took time out of his day to find a perfect gift.

"Aw, thanks, but you didn't ha-"

"Of course I did," he interrupted. "It's your birthday tomorrow, Rye. You're turning twenty-three!"

I smiled again as another thank you. I couldn't wait for tomorrow and wait for what these crazy boys had planned for me.

"Can't wait," I said before Brooklyn barged into the living room, breathless. His eyes were sharpened with a look of guilt and fear.

"Ugh, what did you do now?" Andy sighed with an eye roll. The look on Brook's face expressed that he had done something wrong. I chuckled again. I loved Brook and this band in general. We were always up to something, even it included Brooklyn doing something stupid. It was funny and entertaining. And perfect for content.

"Well, um," Brooklyn trailed off, constantly fiddling with his fingers. "I may or may have not just broken Jack's arm. But it wasn't my fault!"

Wait, I didn't think he'd do something that stupid!

"Brooklyn, you did what!" I abruptly got up from the sofa and looked at Brook with wide eyes.

He gulped. "W-we were in your room and it just happened. Come on, follow me."

I wanted to question him why they were in my room to begin with but I decided to save those for later and followed Brook to my room to see what's up with Jack first.

Behind me, as I was running up the stairs, I heard feet shuffling and mumbles coming from Mikey and Andy.

When I was few inches away from entering my room I could already hear a painful Jack groaning out loud and cursing in between as well. And then I entered and saw Jack rolling around on the floor whilst clutching his right arm.

"I'm sorry, Jack!" Brooklyn knelt down in front of him as I did too and the rest who followed us up.

Jack harshly pushed Brooks hand away,  "I told you not to push me off of Rye's bed and you still did!"

My eyes grew even wider and I stood up, aghast.

"Brooklyn, you pushed him off?!"

"I didn't mean too! We were amused by your castle-like bed because we were bored we decided to climb all the way to the top to fool around but I accidentally pushed Jack off..." he explained but I believed him. He wouldn't push Jack off on purpose, Brooklyn's not like that.

"Okay, guys lets not talk about how it happened, let's just take him to the hospital first," Andy announced frantically and gently placed a hand around Jack's neck to help him stand up. I joined in to help him stand up whilst Robbie and Brooklyn ran back downstairs, probably to get Robbie's car started.

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