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"I can't find m/n." Luffy says. 

Nami steals a glance toward y/n. "Well, maybe he is away right now." She states, trying to reassure the rubber boy. 

"He wouldn't just LEAVE," He exclaimed, confused. "He left all his clothes on a rock outside his house..." 

Y/n stiffened. They had forgotten to put those away.

"What so is he streaking?" Sanji scoffed, coming into the picture with drinks for all the females. "Here you are y/n-chwan!" He smiles,  offering a fav/fruit drink to her. She murmurs a small thank you and just plays with the straw. 

"That would make no sense," Robin replied to Sanji's previous comment as said male gives her her drink "he spends much effort to cover himself, why would he run around naked?" y/n blushed lightly, as while they didn't know it was her, they basically were discussing whether or not she was running around naked.

"So where is he?" Luffy spoke again. 

"Why would we know?" Zoro pipes up from the mast where he had sat down to rest.

"Comeoncomeoncomeon!" Luffy cried, tugging on Nami's arm. "I wanna find him!"

"Maybe Kid got ahold of him again, you should go ask him." Robin stated, coming over. "Nami and I can go check out around his house and the town more." 

Luffy got a look of anger at the thought of someone taking his nakama again. Not his "oh you can't see his eyes your screwed" look but he wasn't happy. He trotted over to Zoro and began tugging on his arm. 

"Hey." Luffy said. "Hey c'mon. Let's go find m/n." Zoro groaned and begrudgingly hauled himself up, strapping his three swords to his waist. Luffy wrapped his arms around the swordsman. 

"What are yo- OH FU--" Zoro started before Luffy launched them off the ship.

Robin turned to y/n and smiled. "Let's head up to the house."


It didn't take long for the three girls to make their way up to y/n's house and for her to change into her old clothes. Y/n was slightly saddened to take off the nicer clothing, but comforted by her old, familiar clothes. She walked back into the main room of the house where Nami and Robin were waiting. Robin was sitting respectfully on a chair while Nami was poking her nose in everything. 

"Wow," Nami said, "this place is really run down." She continuously poked at a cabin door until it broke off with a noisy clatter, causing Nami to sheepishly back up and turn her attention elsewhere. 

"Ready to go?" Robin turned towards y/n. 

"Yeah," she responded, "hopefully Kid and Luffy aren't fighting..." 


"I spoke too soon..." the h/c girl whispered to Robin as they approached the ship of the kid pirates.  A loud commotion resounded from the ship as shouts and crashes could be heard. As the three made their way up to the ship Nami sighed and patted y/n's back. 

"Welp, I don't want to die, you take it from here, y/n." She smiled and walked away in the direction of the Sunny. y/n sweatdropped and turned to Robin, who had now joined Nami in walking off. 

"Good luck." She said as she smiled back. y/n's eyebrow twitched in irritation. She turned her attention towards the commotion. Letting out an irritated sigh, she utilized her power and propelled herself onto the railing, landing in a crouching position softly. 

On the deck, Luffy and Kid fought rabidly. But neither at their full potential. Occasionally she could hear random phrases like "where are you hiding him" and "the fuck you on, Straw hat?!"

Off to the side, she could see Killer and Zoro spectating the whole show, each with a bottle of grog. Killer sported a straw in his to work around his mask. 

y/n made the executive decision to not commit suicide by bringing attention to herself and to just sit where she was until she was noticed.

Ironically, Zoro noticed first. He stood up from sitting on the bench next to Killer and walked over, ignoring the fight next to him. This sudden action drew Killer's attention towards him and where he was going, causing him to see y/n. 

"Here to see the show?" Zoro grinned smugly as he reached her. y/n nodded and gave a two thumbs up. "Heh, c'mon we have drinks over there." 

y/n jumped down and followed him back to the bench. She politely shook her head when offered a bottle. Alcohol made her queasy.  The three sat back and watched the fight. 

I well timed punch and Luffy went sailing towards them. Startled, y/n didn't have time to react before the rubber boy slammed into her, sending both flying back into the wall behind them. The impact was painful, but nothing either Luffy or y/n wasn't used to. None the less, as they lay sprawled on the floor against the splinters of the wall, she let out a pained groan and Luffy, while light, was still something heavy to be laying over her. 

"Oh! It's m/n!" Exclaimed Luffy as he promptly propped himself up, hands on either side of y/n's head. "Where were you? Did you escape?" y/n didn't respond as they continued to try and sit up, to get out from under Luffy. 

"Nah he showed up a while ago." Zoro said after taking a large swig. "From the town. Kid didn't take them." He further clarified. 

"Why didn't you say something then?!" Luffy whined childishly. He pouted and turned back towards y/n. Slowly, squinting and nose twitching, he sniffed y/n. "I smelt this smell before." He bluntly states before Zoro slaps the back of his head walking by. 

"Oi, don't be creepy." He huffs. "Let's go." Zoro then continued to hop off the ship and walk in the absolute wrong direction. Surprised, y/n hurridly tapped Luffy's shoulder and pointed towards the swordsman. Luffy just laughed and walked back to the Sunny.

"He'll eventually find his way back." He reassured, laughing. y/n just shrugged and followed Luffy back to the ship.

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