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REMINDER: only Kid and Killer knows about you being a girl


Gulping down the meat on my plate, I lean back in my chair, satisfied. (Male/name) just left the bar. I wanted to go to their home and talk with them some more. 

"Hok-ayyyyy" I breath, getting up and stretching. Zoro raises a brow. "I am going to talk with (m/n) some more," I tell him.

"Are you sure he wants to talk?" Sanji says, sipping his wine. I think he is still sore from whatever happened between (m/n) and him. 

I walk to the door, but before I can exit, I spot (m/n) in the middle of the street when they are suddenly lurched forward. Pressing my cheek against the window I look to the source. Kid and Killer are standing at the other end of the street and Kid has his arm held straight out. 

(M/n) spins in mid-air and a red scythe of blood protrudes from his arm as he plows into Kid. 

I get really into watching my nakama fight someone who I know is strong, but as soon as the fight starts, it is over. Killer's seastone blade is prohibiting (m/n)'s use of their powers and his their weapon splashes to the ground. Killer handcuffs a passed out (m/n) and they carry him off to their ship.


"SANJI! ZORO!" Luffy yelled, turning away from the door and rushing back to his crew.  Said males look up from their drinks. 

"Kid just took (M/n)!" He slams his hands on the table. 

Sanji puffs his cigarette. "So I assume we are going to go get them?" He looks to his captain.

"Yosh!  So let's go!" 

"Luffy, we don't even know if they are joining yet." Sanji reasons. Zoro slams his glass down.

"When Luffy wants someone to join the crew, they are joining," Zoro sighs "It doesn't matter if they want to or not." He then gets up and stands with his captain. "You coming, ero cook?" He smirks, hand resting on the hilt of his three swords.

Sanji abruptly stands. "I bet I could get (m/n) back before you," He challenges. Zoro's aura darkens. 

"Wanna bet?"He asks dangerously.

"Oh, I bet.." Sanji growls. They are practically clashing heads. 

"Yosh! Let's go!" Luffy says as the three head out and towards the shipyard.


"God, what does straw hat want now," Kid growled lowly "Killer, stay here and watch hi- her." Kid hoists himself up and grabs his fluffy captain's coat, throwing it back over his shoulders, stomping out the door. 

Killer and you are both left in awkward silence. 

"So...." Killer starts.

"So?" You ask, turning your head his way. 

"I'm, uh, Killer." 

"Yeah, I got that."

"So... you are....?" 

"(y/n). But others know me as (m/n)"

"That is your male name?"

"Yeah so please call me that and not give me away."

"You know you are in no position to make demands."


You turned your head and looked down, thinking. Killer awkwardly shuffled and then sat down on the same stool Kid sat on previously. Silence falls once more. You just blink, still looking down, while Killer rubs the back of his neck. 

"Can I have a bandana or something and my goggles back?" You ask Killer, not looking up. Killer lets out a breath. 

"I suppose so..." He gets up and grabs the bandana and goggles and brings them over to you. 

"uh... I am kinda handcuffed so could you maybe..." You ask and raise your head to look at the masked first mate. Killer understands. He crouches down in front of you, slipping the goggles over your eyes and tying the bandana around your hair and head. He grabs another one and carefully ties it behind your head. His fingers graze the back of your neck and ears as they tie the bandana in place. When Killer pulls back, a slight blush dusts his cheeks but you can't see that. 

There is a loud bang followed by shouts and Killer turns his back to you, looking out the window on the door of the cabin. 

"I am going to go see what is happening, you stay here." Killer informs before going out the door. 

"Haha I am handcuffed to a post. Sure I am going somewhere. " You snarl. You can practically hear Killer smirking from behind his mask right before he shuts the door. 


On the deck, Kid was dodging hits from Luffy while Zoro and Sanji were off looking for you, in a competitive spirit, of course. 

"WHERE IS MY NAKAMA!" Luffy was continuously yelling at Kid who was continuously  responding; "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" 

"Where is (m/n)?!" Luffy shouted. 

"You mean that small fry?" Kid stopped. Luffy stopped as well. He started motioning around his face. 

"Goggles, mask," he said.

"Oh, that twerp. They attacked me so I am just figuring out how to make them pay." Kid laughed.

Luffy glared. He didn't want anything to happen to his nakama, even the ones that were not in his crew yet.

Killer came out of the cabin area and went over to Kid.

"Weren't you supposed to be watching them?!" Kid growls quietly to him.

"I heard loud noises...." Killer defended as Kid just groaned. 

"Well go back, there are two more straw-hats on the ship and they might find her. " 

"HEYYYY! Are you going to tell me where (m/n) is or am I going to have to kick your butt?" Luffy called from across the ship.

"Go," Kid told Killer "I can handle myself." Killer nods and heads back to the cabin.


Zoro walked down the hallway with all the cabins in it. He meant to checks the crows nest, but I guess he just got lost. He hears a soft banging from one of the rooms. Opening the door, he finds he is in the captain's cabin, and near the center of the room, you are on the floor, voice aider gone,  and handcuffed to the support pole behind you. 

As soon as the door opens, you snap your head up to the green-haired male that just came in. 

"What happened?" He asked. You sigh and nudge the fallen remains of your mask that now lay on the ground.  "Oh right... you can't talk..." He says. "Are those seastone cuffs?"

You nod your head and then start tilting it towards a pad and pencil on the workbench, the one Kid used to sketch out designs. He would most likely get mad at you if you used it but you didn't give a damn. 

Zoro noticed and grabbed the pencil and pad. He placed it down in front of you. 

"How are you supposed to write if your hands a- " Zoro was cut off when your feet started fiddling. You kicked off your shoes and grabbed the pencil in between your toes and held the pad in place and started writing with your feet. 

"That is both awesome and disgusting." He commented. You scrawled on the paper for a few more seconds then showed him. 

"Kid has the key in jacket" 

"It is in his fur coat?" Zoro asked for confirmation and you nodded. 

"I saw it peeking out when he took it off" 

"I'll go tell Luffy. You'll be alright here?" He asked you. You nodded and he took off.

Next update: tomorow: May 23, Wednesday

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