The Emotional Whale

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"SHITSHITSHIT," You say hurridly as you readjust everything that was undone about your ensemble.  Mask one. Goggles down. Bandana tied. Chest, check. Just as you fixed everything and checked to see in the mirror a sharp know was heard at the door.


Goddamnit. Where is the bar?! I have been walking for hours. Taking a beaten path I trudge on, desperately in need of some sake. I spot a building on the edge of the woods and head towards it. It is a rust red color and has a metal roof. It is dark inside yet I see some movement from the window. Curious, I walk up to the door as I hear scuffling inside. Hastily, I sharply knock on the battered door. 

I wait for a few seconds and the door swings inwards. A person about a head smaller than me is standing there. They have on a voice fabricator as well as goggles and a bandana, completely obscuring their face. They were a black cloak and loose clothing. 

"Can I help you?" A mechanical male voice resonates out of the mask. I blink and clear my throat.

"Uh, yeah... where is the bar?" The boy sighs a mechanical sigh and motions e to follow him to the town.  I follow reluctantly behind the figure as he takes me back down the beaten path. 

My mind travels back to the old man. In his story, he talked about a fortress by the forest. Could this boy be the "Red Soldier" the Marines are after? I am taken out of my thoughts by the mechanical voice. 

"We are here." He says nonchalantly motioning to the bar.

"The Emotional Whale?" I ask, staring at the sign swinging gently in the breeze, then looked down again at my guide. 

"Yup don't blame me for the name." He says. I look into his goggles, trying to see something, anything. He just stared back. "You gonna go in?" I blink and nod. He turns on his heel swiftly and walks back down the street.

"Hey, wait!" I call after him. He bristles and stops, turning back around slowly. "Wanna join me for a drink?" 

He stops and thinks. 

"Sure... I guess."


Sanji POV:

I purchased more food to accommodate for what was lost and head back to the ship. Nami-swan is going to be mad I spent more bellies than I should have... It was all that masked freaks fault! 

Dropping off the food, I decide to head out myself for a drink or two. I needed it. After a quick stop by the men's cabin to change my fruit-soiled shirt, I head back into town. 

The sun was gradually going down and dusted the sky with pink hues. I walked down the street at a leisurely pace, hands in the pockets of my pants. Kids were still running amok as their mother's tried to contain them while shop owners were busy selling the last of their goods for the day. 

I find the local bar, "the Emotional Whale" and head in. The bar was just starting to get busy as the day was coming to an end. I search the bar and find a familiar patch of moss green hair. 

As much as I hate the guy, we are crew. So I head over and sit down. Luffy is with Zoro as well, scarfing down plate after plate of meat. Another person is there too. Looking up at him, I see it is the guy who caused me to drop all my stuff.

"YOU!" I yell, slamming my hands on the table. All three of the occupants jump slightly. 

"Oh yeah." The mechanical voice speaks. "Sorry about earlier... I couldn't help it. I was being chased by the Marines." He rubs the back of his neck.

I feel the signature radiation of interest flowing off from my childish captain.


"SHHHH!" The boy shushes. "I am tired right now and don't feel like another chase!"

Luffy blinks than hunches down over the table. "You were being chased?"

Mossball looks up too, listening for an answer.

"Yeah... the Marines don't like me... I kinda have a bounty on my head..." The boy replies. Luffy's eyes sparkle. I look over at the bulletin board at the abundance of wanted posters. There are many posters, including the ones for me and my fellow crewmates, as well as one of the boy sitting at our table. Reaching over, I rip it off and sit back down. 

"Red Soldier?" I question. 

"Yeah, I guess that is the name they gave me." He replies, nodding his head. Luffy leans over to look at the poster. 

"Chi Chi no fruit?" He asks with a mouthful of food. He swallows. "Blood man?" 

"Right, sorta...." The boy replies. "The fruit gives me the ability to control my own blood. How it flows, it's properties, I can make it come out of me and use it as a weapon or as wings." 

"Can you control others?" Zoro asks, taking a swig of sake. 

"To some extent." He replies. "It is much easier if the target is hurt and already bleeding."

Luffy is starry-eyed. 

"Luffy..." I warn. He turns to me with a goofy smile on his face. 

"Luffy no..." I warn again. His grin gets bigger.

"Don't do it..."

"JOIN MY CREW!!!!" He yells grabbing the boy's hands from across the table, knocking condiments all over the place. 

"Uh..." The boy nervously states.

"He isn't going to let you say no, you know." Zoro downs another bottle. 

"Can I think about it?" He asks. 

"Sure! We have a few more days on this island, you can decide then!" Luffy grins. "Hey, we never got your name!"

"Um, just (male name that sounds like your name or m/n) I guess."

"You guess?" I quirk a spiral eyebrow. He nods. 

"Well welcome to the crew, (m/n!)" Luffy yells.

"I haven't joined yet..." (m/n) mumbles.


Next update: Between May 18 (today) and May 21 (Monday)

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