~Chapter 4~

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When we got inside of our house, everything was normal. My mum rushed to the kitchen to grab water and I went to the cupboard that was filled with blankets and sheets. First I grabbed a few things to make a bed for the baby, I set up a small bed on the chair in my room, it was the best I could do for now. Then I went back to the lounge to figure out what was going on.

James set the mysterious girl down on the couch and just stared at her. I walked to the cupboard again and grabbed a blanket and stopped when I turned around. Curiously, I stood and studied James as he watched the girl, the look in his eyes was more then pity. It was guilt. 

I unfolded the blue blanket and spread it over the motionless girl. James stood up and left the room to the front deck. My eyes followed him and I frowned in confusion. My mum turned on the TV and my attention tuned in. 

"The Protection Force has lost contact with our radios, last thing heard was a distress call, we don't know where they are."

The reporter paused and took a deep breathe.

"We are positive that nobody survived." 

My heart stopped and I looked at my mum in a plea of explanation. As if she knew how to finish the story, she obviously didn't but I was like a lost dog ever since this happened. The reporter kept talking but everything was blurred out.

I sat awkwardly on the couch but soon decided I should do something. So I went to my room, sat on my bed and got on my laptop. My room was what I had always wanted, the fact that my mum was a scientist meant that she had a lot of money, scientists are rich, they try to find a cure. That is all people care about these days. Only problem, was that the riches was something that I no longer cared for. 

Internet was one of the luck of living in a survival zone. I opened Google Chrome and typed in the link "revivalsurvivors.com", it was the site that people in the safe zones (with electricity) used to talk to each other. It was our Facebook, nobody used or wanted to go on real Facebook anymore due to the amount of people in our friends lists who were longer alive.

I waited for it to load and then logged in, as soon as it loaded, a message popped up making the notification sound. Ting. It was from my best friend Tammy. 

"Hey, are you okay? I heard about the outbreak of the walkers and I know that it was where Brittany was, I'm so sorry hun" I read the message but I couldn't focus.  

I took in a deep breathe as I remembered the blood smeared over Brittany's face, the un-human look in her eyes when she approached me, the emptiness that I knew was inside of her and the way she dropped to the floor, still and lifeless. I decided to lie. 

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm alive aren't I?" I hated worrying her. 

"That's good, I think...My mum keeps panicking and saying stupid stuff about leaving, I'm trying to snap her out of it, cause it will all work out like last time. My mum's so stupid lol" A smirk spread across my face for the first time for the whole day.

Tammy was a gorgeous girl who I had met when I arrived here, at first survival zones had schools to keep our minds off of things, it was optional, and I met her on my first day. I remember walking down the hallway and seeing her beautiful long, curly, black hair, tan skin and the exhausted look upon her face that shone out of the whole human race. 

"Yeah, we will be fine, I think we just have to wait, but I got to go, I have a couple of unexpected guests that we picked up from the morgue. One's the guy who was showing us the body and the other was a girl we rescued from a car wreck. So yeah, had a long day, talk later, ilyI didn't bother waiting for the reply just because I knew she would just start asking more unwanted questions, so I logged off and closed the laptop.

 I slid off the bed and watched my socks as I walked down the hallway and stood in the archway of door. The girl still lay on the couch and my mum was tending to some of her cuts she had received from the crash. I looked trough a gap in the curtain of the glass doors on the other side of the room. James was standing on the deck, leaning on the railing with his elbows and looking out into the garden.

I walked through the lounge ignoring the news on the TV and opened the slide doors. Quietly I slipped through, closing the door behind me and leaned on the railing. James glanced at me but trailed back off to daydreaming. My eyes scanned the garden of green grass and dying flowers that we no longer had time to care for.  I didn't say anything for a while, I just thought, I knew James was doing the same. But I decided to break the silence with a burning question.

"You know her, don't you?" I watched his face for answers.

"I used to"

"A friend?"

"Uh yeah, its been a while" he looked away from me.

"What happened?"

"It doesn't matter, its over now" his voice grew aggravated and I decided to stop being intrusive. I nodded and looked back out into the dying garden, which blended quite well with the dying world that fractured around us.

It was quiet. Until the door opened behind us.


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