~Chapter 1~

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The lights flickered through the dark hallway, my steps pulled me deeper and deeper into what seemed to be a never ending void of depression. Next to me, my mothers feet were in sync with mine, we held hands tightly and I kept her close. In front of us was our escort, also know as: some stranger in a white lab coat with a broach on it saying "James", I assume that is his name.

I looked at my mum, she had a clear complexion and dark brown hair that curled down onto her shoulders, she wore straight jeans and a blue wavy patterned shirt that consisted of a frilly edge, I thought she could pull off a much better look.

I wore light blue, ripped high waist shorts with a white t-shirt tucked in and a cardigan over top. My black hair was just a little bit longer then my mums and it was straighter too. I remembered staring at myself in the mirror this morning and just staring into my dark brown eyes and wondering why so much bad things happen to good people. 

The hallway that we slowly walked through was old and underground. The sad look of cracked concrete walls with the bad paint job made sure to make me feel worse than I needed to.

"So who were you to Brittany?" James said turning to us with a kind expression but didn't stop walking at his calm pace.

"I'm her Aunt Joy and this is her cousin Sapphire. Brittany's mum has been out of town a week for work so she was staying with us" my mum said smiling for a split second then looking away.

"Well, I'm so sorry for your loss"  James stopped in front of a door with the words "The Morgue" printed on a small black sign with white writing, it was hanging on the door handle with a small piece of string. He tried to find a key on a chain of what seemed to hold a thousand other keys.

Despite what was happening, I noticed the charm that James had. He had blue eyes, short straight black hair, he was tall and kind.  I looked down at the floor, I couldn't believe I was here. James unlocked the door and opened it, a foul dead smell coursed into the hallway where we stood and I pulled my shirt over my mouth and nose.

"What the hell!" James said while staring into the room. Blood trailed out of the black shiny body bag that was on the table in the middle of the room. We followed the trail cautiously and soon came into sight with the horrible scene lying on the floor.

A girl with blond knotted hair was lying on the floor covered in blood, crouched next to her was a familiar person, or so I thought.

"Omg, Britt, is that you!? What's going on?" I whimpered at what was in font of me. I watched her as she stood up slowly and hobbled around to look at me, stepping back quickly when I saw the sight of her. A tear rolled down my cheek. There was blood all over her body and a knife in her stomach. She was pale, her eyes were white and her mouth was dark with blood dripping out of it continuously. She looks at us and continues hobbling towards me as I moved away. Unusual moaning noises were coming from her as she reached her arms out towards me.

I backed up until I was against the door, but I never took my eyes off her. James came out of nowhere with a fire extinguisher and dropped it on her head, causing her to drop to the ground. I screamed and ran to my mum. I held her tightly while I cried on her shoulder. James stood holding his head in his hands mumbling something that I couldn't quite hear. 

"I knew this was coming. It was only a matter of time. What am I going to do? Oh God..." James stood muttering a whole bunch of things I couldn't string together, followed by a few foul words which I wont say much about. He walked aimlessly around the room but then stopped when he saw her lying on the floor. 

The girl in the same lab coat as James lay on the floor. Her face was calm, her eyes closed, it was as if she was sleeping. But then you look at her stomach and you see it, a giant gaping hole filled with blood and gore. James dropped next to her and whispered the word "Jane" as if he was talking to her body which sat there motionless.  The worst part was that it had been Brittany who had done this to her, my own cousin.

"James, I think we better get out of here" My mum said staring at the wall of  morgue refrigerators. That's when i noticed that one of them was moving slightly.

"James lets go, seriously, we need to leave" I said urgently. I did not want to see another walking corpse today. James stands up and nods.

"I need to do something but you can wait for me outside. Please" He stared at us like he needed us to leave, so we did, we walked into the hallway and closed the door behind us and stood silently. After about five minutes of staring at the dense flickering light that consisted of a pattern of one flicker and then two quick flickers, James came out of the morgue.

He looked at us and nodded "Lets go".

As we broke out into the daylight of the streets, people ran past us. For a minute we just stood on the pavement and watched the world move around us.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard a scream echo towards us from down the street. 


Thanks for reading and don't forget to COMMENT what you think and anything I could do to improve, please VOTE and if you would like to see whats coming next please add to your library :) 

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