~Chapter 3~

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"No....No...NO!" As we approach the glass front door of the hospital we had emerged from earlier, I shuttered at the chains looped tightly around the silver handles. I notice the small price of paper messily taped to the door with brown tape. James angrily frowned and muttered the same word over and over again. 


From a few meters away, I notice the blood smeared on the pathway and I wonder how all of this could have possibly happened while we were only just down the road. Were we really gone for that long?

I walk closer to the door and start to read the scribbles on the paper:

DO NOT ENTER. This is how it all ends and inside that building is where death reigns. Transformation takes minutes. LEAVE. NOW

At that moment something slams into the door, blood smudges over the glass and I take a step back in fright. It keeps slamming into the door repeatedly in a pattern. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.

"Sapphire get away from there!" My mums worried voice rung in my head, bouncing around in my skull.

I didn't move. Pure white eyes. Pale skin. Shredded face. Blood stained teeth. Absolute horror. Whoever was banging on the door was clearly not normal. The whole world felt like it was in slow motion. It was here. 

I started walking away from the hospital, away from my mum and away from James. I was
to walk off the edge of the earth, or at least I hoped I would. They followed me silently, well, at least mostly in silence. James was still muttering under his breath in rage of fate being against us.

I leaned against the car. My mum walked towards me holding the delicate child in her arms, which had just been through hell and back, and held it towards me.

"How about you hold her while I drive" She smiled so quickly it was almost like she didn't smile at all. She was scared. I was petrified. I nodded and took the baby from her arms and looked down at it as she went to unlock the car.

James was obviously getting tired and sore from carrying around this full grown woman, he let out a sigh of relief as the locks popped up to indicate that he could sit down. I held the baby on my lap, holding her head up as I looked out of the windscreen. James sat in the back seat with the yound lady lying down, her head resting on his lap. So many questions rumaged through my head like a hurrican. 

Why were we in the car with this stranger? Who was the lady? How did her car end up on its roof? Why  was my mum acting so secretive and worryless? And last but not least, what now? 

The car pulled out and as soon as we drove out of the newly deserted street we had been parked in, the chaous spread like wildfire in the strrets, people jammed behind red lights, others carrying boxes out to their cars, some standing outside of shop windows to watch the news. I switched on the radio. 

"To all the people still alive. The people who still have family. Stay with them, don't ever break apart, because this is it, this disaster could be your last day, so cherish it. The dead are rising up and killing, turning other peo....

HEY YOU! That's not part of the script, you can't tell people this! Somebody turn on the music!" 

A  familiar song started playing through the speakers, I think it was called The Story of a Girl, but I wasn't sure. I was distracted by my thoughts which desperatly wished that the guy (who had obviously tried to warn us of something but was interupted by some prick) would come back. 

I was confused as to why they were still acting like we hadn't already figured out what was going on. It's been long enough. 

"So...James are you a doctor?" My mum glanced in the mirror at James. 

"Uh, not exactly, I started a course but never finished it..." 

"Oh, why's that?" I glared at my mum, she just looked back at me raising her eyebrows.

"Uh, I'd rather not talk about it, thanks" James stared out of the window awkwardly, his eyes shone a slight emotion of anger, but not from my mum, but from what seemed like a flash of memory. When my dad left us when I was 10 years old I learned how to recognise his emotion, when I asked him why he fought with my mum, he had the same angry look in his eyes. 

We were stuck behind the red lights and the longest line of angry traffic, hoking their horns and shouting out of the windows. 

"I thought they said on the news that they had blocked off our city, mum they said we would be safe...What are we going to do?" I looked at her with desperate eyes.

I lived in one of the only citys where they had blocked off from the rest of the world when this whole thing started, so when a few days ago, there were storys of the terror inside of the ciity walls, everyone freaked out. 

"We are going home and watching the news and hope this will all blow over, and James you can come with us" She sounded confident. Jame's nodded. 

When this all started only about 6 months ago in April everyone learned to trust. We all found out the hard way that nobody could survive this Apocalypse alone. I remember how me and my mum had gone straight to my aunties, we were on the move for weeks, until we found out they were setting up this place for the lost and needy, we came straight here. Me and my cousin started going to the local school to keep our mind of this whole thing and my auntie started working with the supply runners.

She was part of the FBI before this started so she was already educated at protecting herself. She had no idea this was all happening in the city right now. She had no idea that her daughter, Brittany had turned, because she wasn't here, she was still gone on one of her journeys for food with the P.F (Protection Force). 

When these thoughts rushing through my head broke off, I realized the salty tear rolling down my cheek. The people in this world were all lost, no matter how much they tried to believe that we were all "Fine". 


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