Chapter 19

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          The first sound you heard was your own pounding heartbeat, and you slowly became aware of warm breath against your collar bone and something rather heavy laying on top of you.

"Are you injured, (Y/N)?" Spock's voice tickled your skin, and you inhaled sharply, not having realized just how close his lips were to your neck.

"I . . . I don't know. What happened?"

Spock rolled off of you, and you raised a hand to wipe the mud from your eyes. Peering around, you managed to make out the dim outline of your commanding officer, but apart from him, you couldn't distinguish very much in the darkness.

"We are in a cave. I noticed it in time to avoid the rockslide and diverted our course."

"Landslide, sir," your inner geologist corrected automatically.

"I believe you agreed to refrain from addressing me as 'sir,' (Y/N)."

"I'm sorry, sir – er, I mean . . . I'm sorry, Spock."

"You have nothing to apologize for. We reached the cave with barely an instant to spare. The landslide has completely filled in the entrance, and we appear to be forced to remain here for the time being."

"We're stuck? That's . . ."

Your breath caught unexpectedly in your throat, and you convulsively clutched your sides as a searing pain tore through you. You must have cried out, because Spock was directly next to you in an instant, and you fell against his shoulder, shivering violently as lesser pain spasms stabbed at your ribcage.

"(Y/N)?" There was urgency in Spock's voice, and you felt his warm hands grip your shoulders. "What is wrong?"

"I-" You slowly stabilized your breathing and closed your eyes. "I think I just violated Doctor McCoy's orders to not aggravate my injuries."

Keeping one hand firmly on your shoulder, he reached in the direction of his belt. A moment later, you felt him tense up against you.

"(Y/N)?" he murmured. "Do you have your communicator?"

"My communicator?" you echoed somewhat vaguely. Your fingers met an empty pocket at your waist, and you shook your head slowly, not raising it from his shoulder. "No. It was in my hand with my tricorder. I must have lost them both in the landslide."

The hand grasping your shoulder gripped somewhat tighter. "It would appear, (Y/N), that I have done the same."

You shivered more violently as another insistent jolt of pain cut through your abdomen, and you both fell silent as the realization hit you: you were trapped with no way to contact the Enterprise.

"Spock?" you whispered finally.

"Yes, (Y/N)?"

"We're in another serious situation . . . aren't we?"

"I am afraid so, (Y/N)."

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