Chapter 21

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“You want me to marry you?” I asked incredulously. “You’re kidding right?!” He had to be kidding! Why else would he ask something so freaking outlandish? Marriage?! That was weird even coming from him. What the hell was going on in that twisted mind of his?

“If I was capable of expressing emotions towards you I’d be extremely offended. I just proposed and you’re acting as if I asked you to go kill yourself or something like that. Any other girl would be over the moon if she was in your shoes. I’m rich, alpha of a powerful pack and not too hard on the eyes either - you should be grateful!” he spat back at me looking as if he wanted to say more but was stopping himself from doing so. And what the fuck?! It’s not exactly like that was the ideal proposal! He’s practically blackmailing me to do whatever he wants! Should I be happy that my friend nearly died just because this idiot wanted to propose of all bloody things?!

“If you can have any other girl then why don’t you go and do just that?! Why don’t you marry someone from your own pack - a lycan? Why me?!” I snapped back angrily.

Argh, he was acting so big headed and patronisingly! From the way he was behaving towards me I could tell he didn’t like me. So why was he asking to marry me all of a sudden?! It was obviously for something more than just personal feelings. But the thing that was confusing me so much was that exactly – what could he possibly gain from marrying me? I wasn’t rich, I wasn’t a lycan like him and as much as I hate to admit it he’s right – he could have basically any other girl he wanted. So why the fuck was he making me suffer so much?

He should just leave me the hell alone and fulfil his fetishes with someone who was actually willing to participate with him.

Wait – maybe that was it! Maybe he was one of those psycho freaks who like forcing themselves on girls against their wishes! Eww, I knew he was a sick bastard but that is just…creepy. I shuddered involuntarily as my mind conjured up an image of what he’d want do after we were married – if you know what I mean. Well no way was that ever gonna happen! Over my dead body! Urgh, I shudder shook through my body again as the image popped up in my head again. Great – now I have a creepy image of a pervy Zander in my head! I’m having trouble looking at him as it is.

“My pack elder is under the delusion that me marrying you is good for the future of the pack or something - I don’t have a choice! And neither do you for that matter! You should just stop fighting and give in if you care about your family and friends.” He muttered through gritted teeth, his voice dripping with venom.

Well, at least that was some good news. If he was just following his elder’s orders then that meant he wasn’t as much of a perverted freak as I had imagined. But it still made no sense - I mean, I’m not even lycan for crying out loud! How can being married to me be good for his pack!

“What do you mean by that?” I asked, chewing my lip anxiously. None of this made sense at all. Why would the pack elder say that?! I had a sick feeling in my stomach that something was really, really wrong with all of this. I mean what the hell; just what the hell?! It seemed like he and his whole bloody pack had been planning this out for ages the way he was talking about his pack elder. Of course they had – I met Zander months ago! It makes me so freaking mad knowing he was fucking around with me for that long! Arggghhhh, he and his whole pack (half of whom I’ve not even met yet) where already pissing me off! Talk about ‘monster-in-laws’ I thought sarcastically to myself.

“You don’t know…do you?” he asked in what sounded like a bemused voice. He shot him a confused look and the stupid goofy smile he had on his face turned into a full blown grin. Great – I’m glad someone was enjoying this situation so much, I thought to myself sarcastically. He’s making me feel like an idiot, the way he keeps grinning.

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