*Chapter 39*

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Last Rowan could not stop pacing, Paul and the others had just left. Emily sat on her couch, her eyes cast down and her hands tightly clasped. Kim was crying, inconsolable in her little corner. Rowan stared at her with unashamed envy, she wished she could let go and cry her heart out but couldn't. Somehow in her own little stupid mind, crying makes everything seems more real. Sure, they were all worried sick when the newborn army came, but the Volturi? The most powerful coven in the world? It brought them to the deepest pit of fear, the one that they can't escape from.

For the longest time, it was their mate that comforted them and made them feel safe. Now they feel exposed like they had no one else to protect them. The bond they formed is irreplaceable. They now feel the pain their mate go through when they separate, a hollow feeling in their chest is all that remains. Rowan hasn't lost someone for a long time, she didn't know if she could handle it.

Emily rose from her seat and walked over the kitchen. She bravely wiped the silent tears away from her eyes and smiled. "The boys will be hungry when they come back," she said as she washes her hands. "I should cook for them now". Kim sniffled and glanced back at her with wide eyes. How could she be so strong?. "Jared would probably like fried chicken,'' her voice was shaking at first until it found its stability. "He likes those very much". They let out a light chuckle, remembering how hard the boys fought for Emily's fried chickens. They have to have at least 5 pieces each. As Kim went over to assist with the cooking, Emily pleaded at Rowan with her eyes. Kim needed to be distracted and if Rowan moped around, it would surely start another round of hysteria from Kim. She has been such a soft and sweet girl, being away from Jared and not knowing for how long broke her. "Coming.."Rowan said at last and went over and helped, trying to push her worry far out of her mind.

Hours went by and there was nothing. No word, no calls, no news from any of them. The table was filled with food that was quickly turning cold, sleep has taken over them all. Then the noises came with a burst of loud crackling laughter from Jared and the rest. The fight did not happen, and the greatest thing of all was that there was no life lost. Rowan stirred in her sleep, and when she opened her eyes, she saw the reunion between the pack. Sam held Emily, their face looked so peaceful. Kim cried again as Jared smiled, patting her in the head. "You worry too much Kim, I told you I will be fine"

"How was your sleep?" Paul asked, startling her. "Not good," she replied "I feel tired". Paul moved closer to her, seeing her slightly trembling hands. Rowan didn't notice how pale she has gotten and how her body was failing her. Finally, she could let go. She slumped back and wept. Rowan didn't think she would see Paul again. Paul held her hand firmly until it stopped shaking. "I'm here now. I'm sorry that I've worried you"

"I thought I wouldn't see your face again"

"And I thought I wouldn't see your face again," Paul said "It sucks. I like seeing your face. I was afraid that when I die, I wouldn't see it ever again. How your eyes shine and how your smile curls from your lips so softly. I was afraid no one will protect your smile when I'm gone" He wiped her tears away and her fears away. "I will never leave you again"

"Never again," Rowan buried her face against his neck, and her fingers clung to him. She was afraid that when she let go, he would disappear. They stayed that way while Paul was telling her everything that had happened, the Volturi saw that Renesmee was no threat. "I hope they don't come back ever again" Paul nodded. "I hope so too" When they settled and Rowan was assured, they sat back normally. "Let's get married" Rowan saw that in his eyes he was sure, she didn't think Paul was that kind of guy to get married so early. "I still have to finish school. We don't have to get married so early"

"What difference would it make?" he frowned.

Rowan laughed, seeing how it bothered him so much. "I'm not rejecting you, Paul," she said. "I just think it might be too early..."

"We are going to marry someday, why not now?" The adrenaline was still in his veins, clouding his judgement entirely. He wants to marry her now. He wanted to make her his finally, to make the world know that Rowan was his and he was Rowan's. His blood felt hot.

"We'll talk about it later," she said as she pointed at the table. "They will eat all the food if you don't hurry up!" Paul was fast to forget, running towards the table and grabbing everything he saw. Everyone was happy, everyone was safe.

True to his word, the day after Rowan graduated, Paul married her in a not so simple ceremony. Alice was so generous with the arrangements, it was almost as extravagant as Bella's. Renesmee looked so beautiful as a flower girl, Jacob was so proud of her. Her dad walked her down the aisle, with him was her baby brother Blake. Matthew was over the moon and happy, demanding a grandchild from her immediately which was fulfilled in no time. Rowan was feeling sick one day in a class she was teaching, and when she came home, Alice called right away. When the baby boy was born, Paul II already was scowling at the world ahead of him. It was funny at first, but it was concerning that when he grew, he had the same frown his father and grandfather had before him.

"Oh, he's a Lahote alright," Matthew said "He's so handsome. It's all Paul one hundred percent"

"Yeah. not a single sign of mine," Rowan said, already pregnant again. "I hope this one is more like me," she said pointing to her balloon-like belly, she wanted a girl so that her house would be balanced. When she called Alice that night, it was cheating but she wanted to know. "It's a boy...Oh, he looks so much like Paul" she said. True enough it was true which was repeated the fifth time until a girl was finally born. Rebecca Lahote was the apple of Paul's eyes, no matter how hard he tries, he could not resist her. Many years come by and Rowan was lucky enough to not lose her mind, a house full of boys and one girl was no easy task. When the kids were gone and sleeping, Rowan glared at the smirking Paul. "No more Paul. No more"

Thank you for reading :) 

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