Nuetral ending.

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      She watches Catra with hope filled eyes, Hoping to change her mind. She's sick of the war. She's sick of the fighting. A part of her wishes that it could just be the two of them. Where nothing could bother them anymore.
"Catra...." Adora begins with her voice full of dread. "You don't have to do this. Come with me, please,"
    Catra's eyes are full of rage, and wrinkles start to cover her face. Her nose twitches as her claws are tempted to strike. Her body is stiff, not even moving an inch towards Adora.
     "How could you even say that?" Catra begins with her voice cold and stern. "You've left us for a bunch of people you just met. You've left me!"
    Her voice quickly turns to pain and frustration. Her ears drop slightly while her tail freezes itself in place.
     "I didn't leave you Catra," Adora begins as she slowly reaches out her hand towards her. "I've left the Horde. You just happened to be a part of it,"
    "I just wanted you back Adora," Catra angrily shrieks out to her with agony lurking beneath. "There is no way I'm letting those princesses take you again,"
     Adora notice a grunt from Shadow Weever as her eyes narrow in hatred towards Catra. Her hands remain lapped with each other though, and she stays silent for now, making Adora gulp.
    "I'm sorry Catra," Adora begins with tears forming in her eyes. "I'm sorry that you had to endure all of this. I didn't mean for this to happen. I was just......"
    "You were just sick of the Horde," Catra coldly says to her as she turns her head away. "You've been telling me that so many times, ever since you joined the Rebellion,"
    "I was just sick of fighting," Adora says out to her, making Catra's ears perk up. "This war has been going on long enough, and I don't want to be a part in it any more. We don't have to fight the Horde or the Rebellion,"
"This charade has to stop," Shadow Weever hisses say her as her hands grow claw-like. "You will return with the Horde whether you wish for it or not,"
The shadows around her begin to stretch out towards Adora while Shadow Weever's eyes are slim and full of annoyance. In the blink of an eye, they swirl around Adora's waist. She nearly screams out in shock as her eyes grow wide. Her hands firmly press against them as sweat pours down her cheeks. The shadows wouldn't budge an inch.
    Soon enough, they wrap around her body, and dig into her skin. Adora grunts in agony as her body remains paralyzed. Her muscles flinch as she tries to break free, but it was no good.
      "Soon enough the world will be ours,"Shadow Weever happily says to Adora as she slowly advances towards her. "There will be no need to struggle Adora. You'll come around eventually,"
      Catra's eyes glance towards Shadow Weever, but yet, she only crosses her arms and leans back against the wall. Her eyes are full of fury towards Shadow Weever and her claws start to point out. She stays there as she watches both Adora and Shadow Weever.
        Adora's mind starts to black out, and her body starts to go limp. She can't even feel the muscles in her body anymore. Her body remains paralyzed, trapped in the shadows that constantly pierce her skin.
"All you had to do was fight the Rebellion. They never mattered from the beginning," Shadow Weever says to Adora as her hand caresses her cheek.
Adora tried to shrug it off, but the shadows force her to remain in place. Catra's pure silence almost caused her to forget the main fact that she's even here. She closes her eyes, hoping the nightmare will end. That none of this has never happened and she will soon wake up in her bed in the Horde once more. But it was real, and every moment of pain will stick to her for the rest of her life.
All of a sudden, Shadow Weever shrieks in pain. The shadows around her start to vanish, causing Adora to sigh in relief, but she still wonders why. Her eyes slowly open, and Shadow Weever stands right in front of her with a heart broken look on her face. Her right hand is upwards towards Adora as her eyes hardly stay open. Words form in her mouth, but they quickly dispense, for her body drops to the floor like a fly.
     Catra stands behind Shadow Weever's corpse with a smug grin on her face. She holds a spear with a large taser on the end which was directly pointing at Shadow Weever's back. Her eyes are full of enjoyment, for doing that one thing sent happiness to her.
      A part of Adora is relieved for what she did, but another part is scarred of what will happen next. Her eyes remain as wide as an owl while her voice is dry and croaks like a frog. She tries to speak, but her entire body is in shock with what happened.
    "This isn't because I like you," Catra says to Adora before glancing away from her.
    "Catra....." Adora begins, waiting for some sort of sign whether she can speak or not.
    "Just go, you'll just be in my way," Catra coldly says to her as she turns her head away.
    She starts to walk off, and the only noise that can be heard is the thumping of the machines. Her feet softly press against the metal floor. Her back is completely turned on Adora, and she never looks back. Yet that doesn't stop her eyes looking a bit to the left.
     Adora quickly runs up towards Catra as her body shudders in slight pain. She firmly plants her left hand on her shoulder. Her body arches forwards while her eyes are full of sorrow.
    Catra quickly turns around with her claws in the air, ready to fight, but immediately puts them down once she realizes that Adora wasn't attacking her. Adora's hand pounces back, not trying to startle Catra. She takes her right hand out towards her. It remains in the air, wishing for someone to take it.
     "Come with me Catra," Adora says to her, sounding more desperate than ever. "We can leave the entire war behind, just take my hand,"
     "This entire war is the one thing I was meant for," Catra says to Adora while her voice is harsh and cruel. "We had the chance to conquer the world together, but instead it has come to this? You ran away with the Rebellion, fought against us, became this powerful god like creature that has superpowers, and abandoned everyone you knew! We got driven apart because of your actions and now you expect me to just head off with you?"
     "This entire war is what's driving us apart," Adora quickly responds, making Catra scoff. "The war is what isolated us from being together. It drove us apart because of our own paths. I just wanted to be with you in peace Catra. I know you want the same thing,"
      Catra looks away once more, trying to hold back the sadness in her eyes. Her head slightly tilts downwards to the floor, keeping Adora out of her sight. Her ears lower while her tail drags against the ground.
      "We are always suppose to be there for each other, no matter how tough things got," Adora sadly says to Catra as she tries to reach out for her hand. "Please Catra,"
      Catra remains silent at first. Adora's hand is just inches away from her, and her hand twitches towards Adora's hand, only for Catra to cross her arms. Her eyes peer towards Adora and she groans out to herself.
      She reaches out as well and firmly clutches onto Adora's hand. A small smile appears on her face, causing her to blush once Catra notices. A sigh of relief fills Adora as she quickly pulls Catra in for a hug. Catra squeals a little as she tries to bust out, but Adora's grip is somehow too strong.
      "I knew you loved me," Adora cheerfully speaks out to her while her voice is full of glee.
    "Are you kidding me Adora," Catra stressfully says out to her as her arms try to break out of her grasp.
~Timeskip because I'm lazy~

    Months has passed ever since that day, and everyone suspects Adora and Catra to be dead. Scorpia took over as the leader and she sentenced Kyle to death for her first wish. (Everyone bullies Kyle, so I do as well)  The Rebellion and the Horde are still in tight positions with each other.

     As for Catra and Adora though, they now live in the Whispering Woods, so deep where no one can find them.
    The house that they live in is like a cottage made of stone, which took Catra to get used to for awhile. There was only one bed so they cuddle in bed every night.
    "Do you still wonder what happened with the Rebellion?" Catra asks Adora as she rests in bed with her.
     Adora's head is tucked into Catra's chest while her legs are scuffled up. They are both under soft red and orange covers. Catra's arms are wrapped around Adora's back. Her eyes are peacefully closed but when she hears the question, they jerk open, but it wasn't enough to get her up.
      "I guess I do wonder sometimes. What about you and the Horde?" Adora asks Catra, trying to change the subject.
      "I was too good for them," Catra huffs out as her fingers twirl Adora's hair around. "I'm surprised they haven't lost already without me,"
     Both Adora and Catra chuckle out loud, and they happily look into each other's eyes. Adora smiles to herself as she pecks Catra in the lips before her eyes start to drift off once more.
     "I love you Catra," Adora happily says to Catra as she starts to fall asleep.
     "Love you too Adora," Catra purrs out to her before falling asleep as well.

     (This is it!!! One of the five endings are down. Sorry it took awhile. Homework has been getting in the way. I hope you enjoyed this finale. The other endings have no votes in them, so if you want to contribute, please vote for one of these endings.
Alternate good:
Alternate evil:
Thanks you for reading through this fanfic. Thanks for the support. Hope you enjoyed the Adora x Catra moments. Have a good day :)

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