Part 11

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         Adora and Catra both wake up in the morning. None of the other Horde soldiers notice or at least acknowledge their conversation last night, which I completely relives Adora. She's not even sure what she said is true or not. The main fact that she even did that sickens her on the inside, yet she still did.
Catra seems a bit suspicious over Adora, but she still has a cheerful smirk on her face like always. Everyone wakes up with groans filling the entire room. Adora herself still feels a bit drowsy.
      She isn't sure about what happened last night though. She continues to think about Glimmer and the Resistance, which makes her feel a bit of comfort. Yet she feels comfort towards the Horde as well.
      "When will practice be?" Adora quickly asks Catra, trying to not be noticed by the others.
      Catra looks towards Adora with a hint of confusion. Her eyes are wide and her her body gracefully sways a bit to her right.
      "Aww, haven't you heard Adora?" Catra asks her with a playful grin on her face. "Everyone is suppose to meet at the conference hall for a special announcement made by Lord Hordak himself. Something to do with The Rebellion. Don't get too anxious about it,"
       "It's still shocking that those princesses have discovered a way to turn our own men against us," Lonnie scowls at both Catra and Adora. "I wonder if any of us are next,"
       "If anyone, it's going to be Kyle," Rogelio happily states with no regret as they all look towards him.
Kyle hesitates to speak, and his eyes are wide with confusion. His hair nearly pokes out from his head, and he lifts a finger in the air, only to quickly put it down.
"I won't be caught by them," Kyle stutters out to the group, but Catra can't help but snicker a bit.
"Last time I recalled Kyle, you were the first one to be knocked down every single time we ever had a chance to fight these princesses," Catra cruelly says to him with a cold voice. "Who knows if you really are on their side or not,"
       "I am with the Horde," Kyle chirps our in frustration and nearly everyone laughs.
      "I'm pretty sure you don't want to end up like me Kyle," Adora reassures Kyle, but everyone goes into a sudden silence.
      "The meeting will start in a few hours. We might as well get ready before Shadow Weever gets mad at us," Lonnie informs both Adora and Catra with a smile on her face.
       She happily glances towards Adora as her eyesight leans towards her. A small smile is on her face, and she heads up to her.
      "I'm glad you're back Adora," Lonnie happily tells Adora as she heads off with Rogelio and Kyle.
      Adora smiles a little with a charm filled eyes as she watches everyone else leave the room. She quickly follows them, but something just about being with them makes her think that she's home. Just being with her friends brought more comfort into her life.
      Was it worth everything that the Horde has done for so long though. She can't tell now. Back then she would have gone with either the Horde or the Rebellion, but now, she can't tell.
       Her mind constantly buzzes and rings, telling her to save Glimmer. Another part of her demands to follow protocol and ignore those pleads of freedom inside of her.
      "Could I really just give up on The Rebellion?" Adora asks herself as she nearly says it out loud.
      Catra is the only one inside the room with Adora. She has a small smile as she carefully stalks Adora, making Adora feel a bit uneasy. Her eyes are wide and she walks up to Adora with a cute smudge look on her face.
      "Adora," Catra purrs says to her as she looks around the room to make sure no one else is around. "Let's go explore the place a bit, just for fun,"
       "We've grew up here our whole lives Catra," Adora says to her in a confused yet curious tone. "I don't think we can see anything new here. Wouldn't Shadow Weever also be upset if she caught us sneaking around?"
        "Come on Adora, lighten up," Catra says to Adora. "I'm pretty sure you need a tour after leaving this place for a few weeks anyway. And when on Earth have we ever cared about Shadow Weever? She's probably just going to scold us like the freak she is,"
      "I always cared about Shadow Weever's consent," Adora sternly says to Catra, but she couldn't help but show a large smile. "And with all the trouble that I'm in wouldn't it be best if we didn't do any trouble?"
       "Good points," Catra sarcastically says to Adora with a snicker. "But when have I ever cared. Now lets go,"
      She firmly grabs Adora's wrist, and tugs on it, making her shocked. Catra drags Adora off to God knows where, not caring about Adora's consent. Her claw slightly digs into Adora's skin, but she doesn't mind.
     Catra's pacing is faster than normal, making it hard for Adora to follow. Her breaths grow more deep as they run down lower and lower into the building. It seems that they have been running for miles, and exhaustion slowly consumes Adora, but Catra doesn't even notice.
     Adora tried to tell where they're going, but something about that place seems unfamiliar to her. Everywhere she looks it feels she is in an entire different society.
     "Where are we going Catra?" Adora huffs out to her as she slightly tugs on her arm. "Can we also take a quick rest too?"
      Catra only looks back to Adora, but instead she picks up the pace, making Adora nearly loose her balance. Her claws started to feel like iron talons that pierce her skin, causing Adora to groan in pain.
      The finally make it to their destination and right in front of her is I giant metal door. Catra makes her way to the door, acting like Adora isn't even here. Adora takes a few long breaths as she tries to piece together whats going on.
     The metal door is tall and rectangular. It is made of the strongest steel the Horde can have and the only way in is through a scanner on the right side of the screen.
      "What is this place Catra?" Adora smoothly asks Catra, not trying to sound like her breath is gone or too curious as well.
      "Will you promise to behave if I show you?" Catra playfully asks Adora with a large and menacing smirk on her face.
     Normally, whenever Catra has that smirk, Adora immediately denies it. Yet questions keep popping in Adora's mind. Question that she has to answer no matter what. Catra impatiently waits for an answer, and her right foot taps the ground a little.
     "I promise," Adora calmly says to Catra, clearly pleasing her.
     "Lets go then," Catra tells Adora as she opens the door with her palm. "We never needed Shadow Weever to tell us what to do anymore, and we never will,"
      Catra and Adora both head off behind the door, ready to find out whats inside it.

(Cliffhangers are really annoying aren't they?
I will proceed to be an evil Homer whether you like it or not. Mwahahahahahahahah!!!!
What the hell am I doing with my life?)

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