Part 10

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         It's been a few days since that talk with Shadow Weever. Adora still can't find out where Glimmer or Queen Moon is, but asking them would be too suspicious as well.
Adora wakes up form her bed and quickly looks around. Her head still hurts a little, but she isn't sure why though. Everyone seems to be asleep in their beds, and the only noise she can hear is their ear piercing snores.
       Catra is still distant from Adora, in spite of her attempts at trying to cheer her up. No matter what she does, the only look she gets in return is betrayal and anger. Yet, Adora can see why.
      "Why can't she just join the rebellion?" Adora thinks to herself. "Why did it have to be this way?"
Shadow Weever's words still echo in her head, constantly taunting her inside and out. The thought of her joining the Horde again sickens her though. She can't join the rebellion again, right?
Adora heads down the all and cautiously peaks around the place. The halls are empty with no sign of people. Adora sighs in relief, trying to put her old memories past her.
       She heads down the hall, careful not to make any noise. Her feet slide against the smooth metal flooring. Her breaths are quiet and quick.
Adora checks the entire place in hopes for any sign of Glimmer or Queen Moon, but she can't find anything. No sign of them in the dungeons or anywhere where Shadow Weever will keep them as well.
       She heads back into her room with a frown on her face. Her back is leaned against the solid door. The only noise that can be hears is the rattling vents and her feet pressing against the chunky flooring. She can also hear a few drops of droplets tap against the ground.
        Adora scurries back to her own bed, trying to be as sneaky as possible. Her feet drag along the floor and a few squeaks occur here and there. No one seems to notice that she's missing, which causes her to sigh in relief.
        She heads to her bed where Catra is cuddling up. Her body is all curled up and she makes a small little purr while sleeping. Adora tried to hold it in, but she can't help but awe a little when she sees her.
        She anxiously climbs into bed and softly closes her eyes, hoping that this was all just a bad dream. Her head slowly sinks into her pillow and and her eyes are paranoid with fear.
Shadow Weever's words still echo in her mind, causing her body to freeze up. Her hands close into hardened fists and her mind is trapped in a constant state of terror.
"Glimmer and Bow would never use me just for She-Ra," Adora quietly tells herself as her body remains tense. "Shadow Weever is just trying to deceive me just like she did back with Glimmer......"
Her eyes widen in fear when Glimmer's tears flow through her memories. A part of her wishes she never even said those words, and she still blames herself for it.
Just then, Adora hears Catra groan a little as her slumber starts to stir. She quickly seals her eyes shut, trying to get back asleep before Catra wakes up.
Catra rolls out of the bed, having a few locks of her hair messed up. Her hands are closed together and her body is bundled up. Her eyes are closed but more in a disturbed way then a peaceful. They are tightly squeezed and her teeth grind against each other.
       Catra's eyes widen in fear and  hastily darts out of her bed in the blink of an eye. Her body is tense and her cat like position is no more once she stands up and cautiously yet slowly looks around.
     She notices Adora just watching her in shock, not even sure what to say. Adora's eyes are huge as well for she never seen Catra do something like this before.
     They both just stare at each other like this, not even sure what to say. Adora  looks the other way, causing Catra to frown a little.
       "What were you doing up?" Catra asks Adora trying to have a voice as cold and stern as ice.
      "Uhhh," Adora begins, trying to come up with something. "I noticed you were tossing and turning in your sleep so I just wanted to see if you were okay and all,"
       Catra pauses at this and her eyes narrow at Adora. Adora's eyes slim too, but a few tears form in them as well.
       "You're probably just trying to find the princess," Catra says to Adora in disgust as she turns around, trying to hide her despair.
     Adora only sighs, knowing she's been caught and slowly gets out of her bed to head towards Catra. Her body goes a little limp, and her thoughts keep demanding her not to go. That Catra is the enemy and that the Horde must be destroyed, but Adora doesn't want that. She just wants to be with her friends.
      "Things were so much simpler when we were kids," Adora sadly says to Catra, trying to hold a smile on her face. "We always laughed and played without thinking about our actions. Never in a million years I would guess this would happen to us...."
"And it still did," Catra coldly says to Adora, and the room goes silent. "Because if you..."
      Her voice shatters at her last few words grow silent, yet Adora knows what she said. She watches Catra as Adora drenches herself in guilt every second she's with her. Catra's eyes squeeze shut and she puts on a frown to drench the tears in her soul.
        "I didn't want to hurt you," Adora sadly says to Catra, trying to win her back. "But how could I watch the Horde massacre all of these people and burn the land until there's nothing left but ash. All for more power than they need. All just to control everything around them,"
        "You just don't get it Adora," Catra says to Adora as she turns around all of a sudden. Her right arm is on her hip while her elbows are bent. She frowns towards Adora, intimidating her from head to toe. "When have I ever cared about the Horde's actions? Like I said before, I knew they were evil from the beginning. But you had to be so blind to actually believe that the Evil Horde is good and protecting the people from princesses? That we cared for all of their people? When have you started caring for them?"
        "The princesses will find a way," Adora says to Catra as her palms slowly close into fists. "The one thing they have that the Horde doesn't is hope and love, and that will lead to your defeat,"
         Catra pauses when she hears Adora say that. Her ears shudder in annoyance once she hears the word 'love', but then a giant smirk appears on her face. Her large smile is devious and she leans forward to Adora as she heads right to her, face to face.
       "Sweet little innocent Adora," Catra playfully says to her as she advances even closer to Adora.
       Adora's eyes widen in fear as her body freezes, causing her to be unable to move. Catra's lips is just around her ear. Her smile still shows in her head, and Adora can sense that she's still doing it now. She can feel Catra's breath on her cheek, causing a small streak of sweat to pour down from her.
       "Isn't it odd of how you said 'they' instead of 'we'?" Catra asks Adora as she savors every moment with her. "Sounds like you're with the Horde after all,"
      Adora begins to speak once more, but something gets trapped in her throat. She remains there, petrified from Catra's words as she takes in her words.
     "I can't be with the Horde," Adora manages to stutter our to Catra. "Not after all that we did,"
      Adora suddenly catches herself saying that one word and her eyes widen in fear. She looks at Catra with a disturbing amount of confidence contained. Catra only takes a few steps back away from Adora and takes out her hand towards her.
      "It'll be just like the good old days," Catra happily says to her as she smirks. "Don't you miss the Horde? Ugh, Shadow Weever. Don't you miss me? We can have those days back if you come back.... too bad you won't though,"
       Catra's hand lowers a bit, constantly taunting Adora to just take it. Adora tries to hold back from Catra, but something inside of her tells her otherwise. The thoughts of Glimmer and Bow slowly leave her head and the only thoughts that she can think of is her and Catra. That longing for them to be friends again. That longing to just be with her once more, but not as enemies. She can tell Catra wishes for the same thing as well, even though she tries to hide it.
        She stays hesitant at first, wondering if she should join the Horde again, but those thoughts drift away once she clasps onto Catra's hand. She suddenly feels better once she does that, but it sickens her about that though.
         "Welcome back to the Horde," Catra happily says to Adora as she purrs a little.


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