Alternate Chapter: Bridge Scene

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Choice Changes:
Told AJ not to shoot Lilly
Told AJ he wasn't ready


Life in the apocalypse rarely goes to plan. Sometimes, no matter how much you plan, how careful you are, life will still find a way to throw a wrench into it, completly derailing all your efforts. There will be days where everything that could possibly go wrong, goes wrong

Today? Today was one of those days.

"TENN! Fucking MOVE!"

His shouts have no effect, Tenn still doing everything he can to get out of his hold, to get to his sister as she is pulled apart by the herd she had brought to do the exact same to them.

Her screams are muted in his head, focused solely on pulling Tenn away from the oncoming herd. Every second they stand on the bridge brings them closer to death. His arms tremble with the reminder, feeling the bridge shudder under his feet as the walkers inch closer and closer, decaying skin peeling away as it gets caught whilst they squeeze past eachother, hungrily reaching out for them.

He has no idea what to do, no idea what he can do. There isn't enough time to convince Tenn to leave his sister, not before the walkers would reach them.

"Throw him!"

AJs idea is simple, one he should have throught of before. Tenn was going to leave the bridge, whether it was voluntarily or not. Tenn fights him the whole way, Louis wrapping his arm securely around the young boy and throwing with all his might. Time seems to slow as Tenn is in the air, and he breathes a sigh of relief when he makes it the other side, Clementine and AJ pulling him back up to his feet.

He frowns when he notices Clementine staring wide eyed at him, wondering what had caused such a reaction. That's when he feels the warm, rotting breath on his neck.

He had experienced a lot of pain, a lot of suffering in his life. He had felt his heart break as he watched his best friend collapse to the floor with a hole in his head.

He had felt immense shame when Clementine had saved him, knowing full well Violet deserved to be rescued instead of him.

He had felt physical pain, of watching a weapon that had numerous times saved his life slice through his finger.

This was a new pain. This was the feeling of his flesh being torn from bone, the feeling of rotten teeth sinking into muscle, of being able to physically hear his own body being torn apart.

This wasn’t just pain. It was torture.

But all of that? That was nothing, nothing compared to seeing the look of despair on Clementines face, to being forced to listen to the voice that had once playfully called his name scream it in anguish.

'Oh fuck' , was his first thought. 'Fuck shit this hurts.' As he lay there unable to do nothing, all Louis could do was take it. Surely within seconds he would be nothing but another loss, another name on the long list of death that had fallen up the group

Why? Why did it have to be him?

Once the initial thought of what was happening had passed, Louis could only take his last moments to think.

And of course, what would a situation like this be without a little ol’ Louis humour. It wasn’t funny, but who couldn’t laugh at a time like this? Just had to be the gentleman huh? Having to save the kid before anyone else. Of course his doom would come as he saved someone else.

Maybe it was payback. Maybe it was for all the shitty things he’d done before. Before this moment, before the boat, before Ericsson.

Yeah, for that then, he kinda deserved it right?

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