Chapter 8

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The flickering flames of the candles sat upon his piano are his only guiding light as he plays. Gentle music fills the air, the song he had written for Clementine harmonising with his own thoughts.

Louis tries not to wince as he hits a key, the piano playing the note wrong. He wasnt lying back at the game, he really did need some help to tune the piano. Not that anyone ever wanted to help him. For now, he would have to make do.

Someone enters the room to his right, most likely one of the others coming to tell him to stop playing. He turns, apology at the ready, but feels his heart skip at the sight of Clementine watching him play.

"Well, well, well. Looks like AJ isn't the only one charmed by my alluring music."

"Mhm. Sure, Louis. Whatever you say." Clementine responds sarcastically with a laugh.

Louis looks down to the floor, confidence faltering.

"I... Uh... I was kind of expecting you to go with Violet."

"Nope. I'm here." She tells him softly

"That you are."

The room falls silent as this, the two gazing at one another before Louis breaks the tension.

"Thought I could tickle the ivories one last time before all hell breaks loose."

"That's a good idea. Haven't heard music in a while..."

"Some would say you're not about to hear it now..." He jokes as he plays a a joyful tune. The smile on his face quickly drops when he realises the only people who would tease him like that was either dead or taken...

"So... How do you feel about our impending deaths?"

Clementine raises an eyebrow at the sudden change of topic.

"We may not necessarily die, of course. We could be injured, kidnapped, maimed, maybe eaten. The possibilities are endless... "

"Honestly, I'm terrified." Clementine confesses almost guiltily.
"I know we've done all we can. But sometimes... That's not enough. We can only wait and see for what happens..."

Oh. Well... She's being honest, at least. Truthfully, he would much prefer that to false hope.

"Damn, you're owning it. I'm impressed. Most people choose to bury their feelings, but you look them right in the face and say: Whoa! These suck!"

She smiles sadly at him, picking out the compliment for what it is. Her eyes roam to the piano he leans on, his earlier request coming back to her mind.

"So, what's this project you needed my help for?"

Oh! Right!

Because doing is better than telling, he simply turns back to the piano and presses on the offending key. An awful sound erupts from the piano as he presses, sound almost screeching.

"Sounds awful, right? All we need to do is tune it. That's why I need you." Louis tells her as be stands, beckoning her over to sit where he once was.

Clementime rolls her eyes at him, but approaches none the less. He makes his way around to the back of the piano, pushing the lid open and propping it up as Clementine sits down and awaits for his instructions.

"When I give the signal, press the 'A' key"

"Uh, yeah... Which ones the 'A' key?"

That decided it, he was definitely going to have to teach her how to play at some point.

"You know, the 'A' key. Next to the 'B' key. After the 'G' key" Louis teases her as for her lack of knowledge on the piano as he points out the different keys with a squinted smile, eyes drifting to her hand as she prepares to play.

Light- Clementine/Louis, Clouis, LouisentineWhere stories live. Discover now