How You First Meet

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You were taking a walk through the forest as you usually did after a long, exhausting day of hunting down random, supposedly dangerous, demons to assassinate and coming home only to be harassed by a friend who thought you’d died because you’d been gone for over a month and they didn’t know where you were.

You sighed as you leaned against a tree and slid down the trunk so you were now sitting and closed your eyes. You just needed to get away from it all, even if only until your next job.

You were simply relaxing until you sensed a presence approaching you. You remained as you were as not to alert them that you know they’re there and discreetly materialized a knife in your hand.

Once you felt they were close enough you quickly threw the dagger in their direction and you heard a quiet grunt before opening your eyes to see a little boy- no- a short demon- with gravity defying black hair and red eyes.

“Something you need?” You asked lazily.

You noticed a scratch on his shoulder and smirked slightly. Your knife had done its job.

The boy ‘tched’ at you in what seemed to be annoyance as he glared at your smirk before he looked away, saying nothing more.

“You got a voice? Or do you just refuse to use it?” You asked again.

“I have a voice!” He finally snapped harshly at you.

“And a temper too, I see.” You replied with an amused yet lazy smirk.

His glare intensified in further annoyance and turned to leave.

“Do you have a name? Or do I just assume it’s ‘Short ’n’ Dangerous’ ?” You asked, your smirk only broadening when you heard him growl lightly in irritation as he stopped walking.

“… Hiei…” He hesitated before he replied and he continued walking off into the shadows.

Your smirk dropped to a small smile as soon as he was out of sight.

“We’ll see each other again soon… Hiei…”

A/N: Sorry for any OOCness or crappyness. Check description if you're wondering why anything from this book sounds similar to my Yu Yu Hakusho Boyfriend/Parenthood Scenarios books. Anyways, hope you Enjoy!

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