Baki (2)

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Smol (A/N):
So uhh I'm working on adding new characters to the list. It's probs gonna take awhile for me to come up with something for them. So uhm yea. Stay fresh👌🏻

Standing at the sidewalk under the shades of a boutique, you waited for Baki to arrive so the two of you can go catch a movie later. He had asked you to hang out yesterday during lunch break and you had accepted cuz you guys were gonna watch an action movie about martial arts fighters or something like that. While waiting for him, you pulled out your phone and started checking on your social media accounts when all of a sudden, a nimble hand snatched your phone and disappeared like the wind. Realising what has happened you started screaming “THIEF!” while chasing after the perpetrator. You were trying your darnest to keep up with the hooded lanky man as he ran through other people on the streets.
While you were almost on the verge of tears and giving up the chase, the thief suddenly came to an abrupt stop and seemed to have collided into something that sent him flying back onto his sorry ass. When you took a closer look, you noticed that the thief was twitching on the ground and foaming from his mouth. You looked up and saw Baki standing in front of you scratching his head awkwardly as if he's done something wrong. “Uhh I think might've hit him too hard in the stomach ...” you stared at him in awe with you mouth slightly agape. “are you kidding me, Baki? You deadass KO'd a thief in the gut! That was so cool!” feeling surprised by your reaction cuz he didn't expect you to react that way because anyone else would've been terrified of him. Guess there is something special about you after all... “Hey Baki! I'm talking to ya! I was saying that we should probably the cops on this bastard before heading to the theatre.” snapping out of his thoughts, he turned to look at your petite form crouching over the unconscious body of the thief. “U-uh yeah! Sure! Absolutely!” he stuttered out, he could feel the heat spreading on his cheeks and trying desperately to keep it down. “You alright? Your whole face is red, Baki. And you feel really warm. It's okay if we head on home and cancel the movie if youre not feeling too good...” you placed a hand on his forehead. And boy, that did not help in subsiding his body temperature. “Y-yeah! I'm fine! We should probably get going to the police station first tho! We wouldn't want a criminal getting away with his crimes and roaming free on the streets!” rambling and quickly picking up the unconscious guy and running off to the direction of the nearest police station. “H-hey!!! Wait up! Where the heck are you rushing to???” stumbling after his running form.

I apologize that it's kinda short but I'll make it up with the story in the new book that I'm working on. So skiddadle skiddoodle ur dicc is now a noodle. ~(*・_・)ノ⌒*

Baki the grappler(various) X readerWhere stories live. Discover now