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Jenna had been at Eric's beach house for exactly seven days. She slept when she wanted. She cooked if she wanted. Often times, she was invited to eat with Eric's parents. She was glad that she had the occasional company. Otherwise, she might go stir crazy. The closest town was twenty minutes by car and one hour by horse. It had everything you needed to live in a small Southern town. It had a merchantile store that doubled as a gas station. There was a small post office, a bakery, a movie theater and a garage. The local law enforcement was in the next town twenty miles inland. But, he stops in at least once a day. When he realized that someone was at Eric's beach house, he ran a check on her. Of course, the police report came back with pictures of her right after the incident. When he realized that she was Eric's best friend's little sister, he almost fell all over himself apologizing. 

Jenna walked out onto the deck to look out over the ocean. The view was stunning and this was her favorite time of day to be out here. The sun was setting and the sky was so many different colors and hues. As she watched, clouds gathered off-shore. There was a storm out at sea. She didn't know if it would come inland or not. Living on the ocean, weather was not something that you took for granted. Picking up her phone, she opened her weather app and checked to see the track of the storm. When she was satisfied that she was safe, she picked up her wine and took a sip. Watching the lightning out at sea was breathtaking. The breeze from the storm was wonderful. The coolness with the tang of salt was a very pleasant experience.

After sitting for over an hour, her stomach decided to make it's presence known. It growled loudly. Jenna laughed and got up. Going inside to the kitchen, she opened the refrigerator door and took out the large steak that was marinating, along with a potato. The potato went into the microwave oven and the steak went on the grill surface cooktop. While her steak was cooking she messaged Eric's parents to tell them goodnight. This was a nightly ritual for her. The Schaffer's had insisted on it. If a night went by without the text, Adam, Eric's dad, would come over with his gun and check out the house while Brenda, his wife, called the sheriff.

Just as she was taking her steak off the grill her phone rang. Reaching over to answer it, she wasn't surprised to see it was the man who had been in her thoughts a lot recently.

"Hi Sweetpea. How are you?" Because it still hurt to talk for a long period of time, she answered with short answers. "I'm good."

"Have you had dinner yet?" He asked.

"About to."

"What are you fixing this time?" He asked. He knew she loved to cook.

"A steak, cooked in beer, butter, onions and garlic. With a potato.' She said.

"Sounds great. Listen, a bunch of us are out at dinner tonight and some people want to say hello. I'm gonna put you on speaker. Elizabeth and Angus are here."

"Hello Jenna. How's my favorite patient doing? I'm dropping in tomorrow to check you out, okay?" "And of course, lass, I'll be with her. Will you cook us a wonderful dinner. You are a fabulous cook, after all. My Lizzie, well, not so much. But her talents lie in other areas." Jenna heard what sounded like someone getting smack. "Dammit woman! I was talking about you being a doctor! That's what I get for trying to brag on you, now isn't it?" Jenna was laughing at the antics of the McGregors. They were always like that. They loved each other and any one who saw them together would never doubt it.

"Jenna, I'm bringing another guest tomorrow. Would you be okay if I brought a male that you aren't familiar with?" At her affirmative answer, he finished their conversation and hung up.

Three states over four people were seated at a table having dinner. Eric looked at the lone man and said, "If you chase after her, I'll f**king castrate you. She's been through enough. Jenna is a beautiful woman and is trying her best to get her feet under her after her attack. The police are still trying to find the guy who did it. We still don't even know why. I'm sure she still has nightmares. However, mom and dad said that she never complains. She wouldn't, she's just not made that way." After dinner and the bill settled, Eric and the guy went to the bar for a beer before going up to their rooms.

"Daniel, if Jenna approaches you, I won't say a word. But it has to be her choice. Okay man?" 

The dark headed man looked up at his lang time friend and nodded. "You like this girl, don't you? Why aren't you dating her, yourself?" Taking a sip of his beer, he waited for his friend to answer.

"I made her brother a promise. He was dying of cancer and Jenna was in her senior year of high school. It was hard all around. You see, their dad took off and left their mom when they were small. Jenna doesn't remember, but Ben did. Jenna's mom worked three jobs to take care of them. She worked herself into an early grave. The only surviving relative to take care of Jenna and Ben was their great aunt on her mom's side. Loony old bat, let me tell you. But she loved those kids. When Ben graduated from college, he did so debt free. Jenna did too. But that's for another time. Ben started being tired all of the time. He had bruises that wouldn't go away. His nose was constantly bleeding, he was pale, beyond pale. And that cough. That cough scared me. Rightfully so, it turns out. By the time I convinced Ben to get to a doctor, it was too late. He had  late stage leukemia. He should have beat it, but he just wouldn't go to the doctor. Anyway, that last night at the hospital, Jenna had gone to get something to eat when Ben called me over to his bed. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down to whisper in my ear. That's all he could do, he was so weak. I'll always remember the look on his face. The desperation as he asked me to always, no matter what, take care of Jenna. I promised him that I would always be there for her and that she would never have to work like their mom did."

"But, I don't get it, Eric. It's perfect. You date, maybe get married, have a couple of kids. Things work out in the end." Daniel replied, taking another long drink of his beer.

"Yeah, what if she doesn't like me that way? What if she is terrified of ever letting a man near her again. I've heard of it happening. What if.....say we do click and we start dating. You know how hard this business is on relationships. What if I break her heart. What if......?"

"Whoa man! Stop being the dog who chases his tail. If we're talking about who I think we're talking about, she's gorgeous. She will garner male, and some female, attention. You know that as well as I do. I have never met her, but I've seen pictures of her with the other wrestlers back stage. Besides, Angus and Dougal are nuts over her. That in and of itself is the best endorsement a person can get. I'm telling you man, if you don't snatch her up, someone will. What if that someone hurts her? What's your reasoning going to be then? Quit straddling the fence and walk in the grass, man. Well, all I can say is that it's up to you to make the first move. You never know, she might surprise you." Standing up, Daniel finished his beer and threw a ten on the bar. "I'm going up, It's been a hectic week and a crazy night, and I'm tired. Give what I said some thought, man. But get some sleep."

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