Croissants and a Bump-In | Dowoon

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There he was again. The same stranger you have been seeing around for months now. You know he has been noticing you too, sneaking a couple of glances whenever your paths crossed again. Neither of you have had the courage to say something to the other. That was to change soon though. You were determined to at least greet him next time you saw him, although you had no idea when that would be. It appeared that your encounters with each other were completely random. The first time you bumped into him was not special at all. He had not even crossed your mind twice, to be frank. It was a cool winter day. Snow was falling; however, the temperatures were too high for the snow to not melt right away. A soft breeze blowing the snowflakes into your scarf and eyes.

A little bell rang from above your head as you entered the local bakery. The smell of freshly baked bread and pastries filled your nostrils. You take a deep breath, just to savour the moment. As you walk to the counter to order your regular croissant, your shoulder accidentally bumps into the shoulder of a man. He looked cute, but at the same time he looked really annoyed. It was almost as if he was blaming you for bumping into him. Before you even had the chance to apologise, he walked off. You merely guessed he was in a rush. As the day went on, the stranger's head kept popping up in your mind, if only you could figure out why. The snow kept getting heavier throughout the day and you were glad to finally arrive home, ahead of the heavy traffic. You were sitting on the windowsill with a cup of steaming hot green tea in your hands, staring out of the window. The city slowly lit up, as the unseen sun started to set. Finally deciding you will never see the guy again; you finished the tea and went on with the end of the day as if nothing happened.

Nonetheless, you kept seeing him ever since. Perhaps not daily, but often enough to remember his face. Living in such a big city but seeing the same person over and over again is fairly odd. It was finally time to speak to him, or so it felt. It could take days before your paths would cross again, or maybe just mere minutes. Life goes down some strange roads, it will be a surprise at which crossroad you will meet this time.

Little did you know though, that he was thinking the same. He also noticed you in the crowds all the time. He felt bad for bumping into you that one day and has been wanting to apologise ever since. He did not mean to bump into you or walk off that quickly. He was just having a bad day. First, he overslept, then he ended up stuck in traffic and as a form of punishment his boss made him go on a lunch run for him and some other colleagues. He was tired and annoyed, the complete opposite of his usual happy-go-lucky and a little shy demeanour. He did not know why he never walked up to you all those other times. It was as if the universe was stopping him, that it was not the right moment. His luck would soon turn around though.

It was a rainy Saturday morning. The sound of the rain hitting the window sounded soothing. The warm covers casting a form of protection over your body. Looking up to the alarm clock on the cabinet next to the bed, the time read that it was almost 10 in the morning. It felt good to sleep in for a change, getting up at 7 every day was getting old. You slowly sat upright in the bed, before slipping out of bed. Your feet touching the cold floor made a shiver run through your body. The weather screamed for a leggings and oversized sweater outfit. Once you got ready for the day, which would mainly consist out of doing grocery shopping and afterwards not moving from the couch a lot, it was time to go outside. The sneakers felt comfortable on your feet as you left the apartment. First up would be buying some breakfast. The bakery was not far from the apartment luckily.

The familiar bell above the door rang as you entered the cosy bakery. You walked to the counter and ordered the regular croissant and black coffee. You paid and started looking around for a place to sit down. And as luck would have it, there was a free spot, across from the familiar, nameless face you had been seeing for months. Of course, his eyes were already glued onto you. He gestured to the seat in front of him. With a little doubt you walked to his table. "Hi." He said. His voice turned out to be deeper than expected. "Hi." This is turning out to be quite awkward. "I am-" he started, but was interrupted by one of the employees placing freshly baked croissants in front of us, followed by my coffee and what appeared to be tea for him. "Thank you." We replied at the same time, getting a giggle out of me. He rubbed the back of his neck, his ears turning a shade of red, before continuing. "I am sorry for bumping into you all those months ago." He finally spoke. "I should have apologised right away, but I was not having my day." He truly looked apologetic.

"It is okay. Frankly, I would have forgotten about it if you did not pop up everywhere I looked." He laughed, "I am glad I was not the only one who noticed that. My name is Dowoon, by the way." "My name is Y/N, nice to finally meet you." You smiled at him, he was giving you good vibes, unlike your first encounter with him. "Nice to meet you too." 

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