Cleaning and a Collab | Young K

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Your apartment was quiet as you had just turned the television off. You finally had a week off from work and were planning to spend it with your boyfriend, Younghyun. However, his schedule had suddenly changed, and he was working hard in the studio. You knew what to expect when you started dating him, but it doesn't change anything about how much you missed him. Even though you had the opportunity to sleep in again, you got up in time day in, day out. You'd prepare breakfast for Younghyun and had some small talk before he had to leave. He also wanted to spend more time with you, but he also didn't want to leave the guys to it.

You decided that you've done enough lounging around for at least five weeks. At last, you get off the couch, the deafening silence getting to you. You walked out of the front door of the apartment, closing it behind you and were on your way to the supermarket. The rays of sunshine felt lovely on your skin, the soft breeze making your hair wave through the wind. You had almost run out of snacks and you were in desperate need of some if you were going to kill your time some more with movies and series. Luckily for your lazy ass, there was a supermarket right around the corner, so you didn't need to walk very far.

Once arrived at the supermarket you grabbed a shopping basket and you quickly found the snack aisle. Not that it was hard to find with how often you visit this shop. You quickly grabbed some of your favourite crisps for your savoury cravings and your favourite candy to satisfy the sweet cravings. While you were there, you decided to also grab some other necessary stuff; a couple of packs of ramen, a variety of fruits and two bottles of soda. Just maybe you put a couple of bottles of soju in there as well. Once you were satisfied with the contents of your basket, you went up to the cash register, made some small talk with the employee and paid.

Back at the apartment, you quickly put away the groceries in their respective places. Reaching up at the cabinets, hardly being able to reach the correct shelf, you managed to grab a glass. You really need to ask Younghyun why he would ever place the glasses on that shelf. After filling the glass with water, you leaned against the counter, wondering what to do next. Your heart started to ache a bit at the thought of Younghyun, the apartment was cosy, but it felt empty without him. The colours somehow looking less bright than whenever he was present. Shaking your head, you tried to get out of the sulking behaviour. You really needed some distraction.

Finally, your mind settled on cleaning the apartment properly. You looked around the place, mentally making a list of things that need to be done. You turned on the tv and put on some random YouTube playlist to get rid of the silence. As the first song started to play, you filled a bucket with water and soap, and started to clean. Silently humming along to the songs, you dancingly started the long chore of cleaning.

About an hour and a half later you got ready to start mopping the room, the final task for today. You were exhausted, but it was just one more task. Most of the room already looked as sparkling as you always see in movies and series. Already thinking of taking a nap afterwards or making some ramen before taking a nap, you quickly started the task. Suddenly [You're the One That I Want] started playing, obviously the volume got turned up. You completely forgot how much you loved Grease, the film immediately going on the list of things you need to watch again. While you were mopping the floor, you were singing along to the song, pretending that the ending of the mop was a microphone. Not that you were a good singer, but it felt nice to let it out once in a while.

"If you're filled with affection, you're too shy to convey," you attempted to sound at least half as good as Olivia Newton-John. "Meditate in my direction, feel your way..." You were swaying around the room with the mop in your hands. You cleared your throat a bit, to prepare for singing John Travolta's part in a lower voice.

Your back was facing the door, so you didn't notice Younghyun coming home. He wanted to call out to you, but it was amusing to him to see you like that. Without making much noise, he managed to stand just a step away from you.

You were about to start singing the next part, when you felt two hands on your hips. "I better shape up, cause you need a man..." You let out a shriek of surprise, dropping the mop to the floor. You turned around and were met with Younghyun's chest. He was already singing the next line, kind of looking expectant at you, as he was waiting for you to continue Sandy's lines. "I better shape up if I'm gonna prove," You laughed and softly smacked his chest, but continued, nonetheless. "You better prove that my faith is justified," You sang. Honestly, your voice was not nearly as angelic as Younghyun's and usually you wouldn't sing in front of him, but you were feeling good and were enjoying yourself for a change. "Are you sure?" You quickly picked the mop up from the floor.

"Yes, I'm sure down deep inside." You held the mop in between the both of you and Younghyun gladly joined you with singing in the 'microphone'. The both of you continued the song. "You're the one that I want, oo-oo-oo honey, the one that I want, oo-oo-oo honey." You dropped the mop again as Younghyun took both your hands in his and started to guide you in, what you think is supposed to be, a ballroom dance. "The one that I want, oo-oo-oo, the one I need, oh yes indeed." The both of you finished the song and fell on the couch, completely out of breath. You turned the volume on the tv down again.

You felt Younghyun wrap his arm around you and kissed your forehead. "Great, now I need to mop the room again." You spoke, making him laugh. "I missed you too." He replied. You snuggled further into his chest and sighed, feeling complete again. "It feels good to have you home again. You better not be planning on going anywhere tonight. I bought snacks and drinks, so we're having a movie night." He wrapped his arm around you more tightly. "That sounds lovely. Now what if I mop the room again, and you start dinner. I'm starving and I wouldn't be surprised if you are too after putting on such a show." He chuckled. "Oh, shut up," you smacked his chest once more. "You're right though." You pecked his lips, before starting to get up. However, Younghyun quickly pulled you back down again and caught you in a passionate kiss. The two of you slowly broke apart. "Sorry, I just really needed that." He confessed, making you laugh and hang your head. "I'll get started on dinner." You got up and turned around to go to the kitchen. However, this is not before Younghyun took the opportunity and slapped your butt. "Younghyun!" You yelled in surprise. "You're lucky I love you." You said as you entered the clean kitchen. "I love you too!" you heard him yell as you were starting dinner, but also a wonderful evening with your boyfriend.

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