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Team 7 was having a fairly average day up until now. They met up (Kakashi late as per usual), they took a few D-ranks, and then spent the afternoon training until about 5 pm. Kakashi would then tell his genin to go home, eat, and rest up just to repeat the routine the next day.

Sakura whined as her arms shook. She had finally completed her twentieth push-up, which was much better than how she was a week ago. Her arms were beginning to gain some muscle and she dropped the ridiculous diet she was using to get thin. Instead, she is using a diet that will help her build muscle.

Naruto practiced his accuracy, tossing some shuriken at a target not too far away. He cheered when he hit the target and sighed when he missed. His aim was improving though, he could now get most his weapons to at least hit the second ring from the outside of the target.

Sasuke was being helped by Kakashi to improve his fire ninjutsu. So far, Kakashi was teaching him how to do two more low to mid-level fire ninjutsu, along with helping his chakra control with the leaf burning exercise. He was supposed to manipulate the fire so that the leaf didn't burn immediately. 

All was well and normal, that is, until team 13 raced into view.

A woman sat high up on what looked like a throne, three genin beneath her as they carried her and jogged around.

"Yes!" She cackled. "That's it, my minions! Move those feet!"

Somehow, Rin was managing to come up with more and more names for her genin.

Kakashi watched as Rin continued to cackle, she only stopped when she noticed Kakashi.

"Stop!" She roared, making then screech to a halt. "Break time!"

Rin hopped off her chair just as the three genin collapsed, the chair on top of them. They either didn't notice or didn't care.

"Kakashi-kun!" Rin chirped, running over to greet him. "How ya' been, you old stickler?"

Kakashi sighed. "What are you doing here, Rin-chan?" 

"I was just out for a little stroll with my genin when I happened to find you four." Rin replied. "What luck!"

"Right, luck," Kakashi said. "And you call that a stroll? You're genin look exhausted."

"It's only been three hours, I know they can do better!" Rin cheered, turning to her team. "I believe in you three!"

"Thanks...?" Shikika wheezed.

"You're very welcome Shikika-chan!" Rin smiled. "Now then Kakashi-kun, what do you say we have a little spar between genin while I'm here?"

"I'm quite busy Rin-chan, I have things to do with my team." Kakashi replied.

"Are you scared too loose because my genin are better?" Rin taunted. "Copy-cat Kakashi is a scardey cat too?"

"Oh, it's on," Kakashi glared. "If my genin win, you're treating everyone to lunch."

"And the same goes for you if mine win." Rin agreed, holding out her hand.

Kakashi took the hand and shook it firmly. "Agreed."

All six of the genin looked at each other in confusion.


Kohaku, Hiroto and Shikika stood side-by-side on the field, across from three other genin who had yet to introduce themselves. They all obviously knew who Sasuke was, but the other two were unknowns.

"So," The pink haired girl began. "Are we supposed to spar?"

"That's the plan Bubblegum!" Shikika smirked, cracking her knuckles.

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