✿ Not His Girl - Closet_Anarchist

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      Not His Girl


There are two things Harper Lynch wasn’t expecting when she made out with an attractive stranger at her aunt’s wedding.

One: He would show up on her doorstep two weeks later as the son of an old family friend

Two: That he would be staying in her house, right next door to her.

If living together isn’t enough, Duke starts to go to Harper’s school for the year, and immediately earns the status of the senior heartthrob. Suddenly, Harper, the girl who keeps mostly to herself and spends a lot of time in her room watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer marathons, is the envy of every girl in her high school.

Harper couldn’t care less, and despite that fact that she has insisted that she has in no interest in Duke, she is still subject to the wrath of jealous, catty bitches and the admiration of wide-eyed freshmen. It really doesn’t help that Duke is constantly flirting with her in his own irritating yet charming way.

Harper refuses to be yet another conquest, but is that what Duke wants?

Or does he want more?

 What I loved:

This was a really good, twisty story. I esspecially loved just how good the characters were as well. The plot was very simple to start but as it got further and further into the middle I started to be more and more surprised. I really love the author - Closet_Anarchist - because she always manages to create a really good and thorough plot that helps me to follow it. I loved it, there was humor, romance and drama all packed into the one book!

Favourite Character:

I doubt that this will come as a surprise but I'm going to have to say that Duke was my favourite character. Right from the starts when they first met I wasn't too sure about him, but then when it got further into the story and I was able to understand him more, I realized just how great of a character he was. He was humourous, flirty, amazing and irritating (which I really loved). 

All up, it was such a great book and I hope you all check it out. I really have to congratulate all the amazing writers that were added in this review because each and every one of them deserves to have their name in here and I hope all the readers see that through their writing capabilities.


Thanks everyone, another review. PLEASE reccomend me new stories that you personally think are your favourites and I also want to add that SO many people are wanting me to promote their books and I think it's an amazing idea, but I will only put your book in here if I really love it. So if you think your book has what it takes to be in my Review book then please go ahead and aproach me either by dropping a message on my message board or messaging me via private message. I love giving all writers, popular or not, a chance and I will definitely put yours up as a reccomendation. 

Thanks everyone, enjoy

~ Tessa xxx

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