Peter Gets his Powers

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Part 2 of Peter Goes to OSCORP

Bruce had rushed to Stark Tower as soon as he had ended the call with Tony. He knew Tony would only call if it was an emergency and by the sound of Tony's voice, Bruce could tell something was seriously wrong.

When Bruce reached the top floor of the tower, he heard FRIDAY announce his arrival and Tony appeared moments later with a look of genuine concern and worry on his face.

"It's the kid. He's really sick. I don't know what to do, and I'm freaking out." Tony stammered in a panic.

"Woah slow down Tones... what happened? And why do you need my help?" Bruce asked Tony trying to figure out what had his friend in such a panic.

"Peter came home from his field trip to OSCORP with a dangerously high fever among other things, and when I asked him what happened he told me he got bit by a spider from one of Osborn's experiments," Tony explained to Bruce.

"Bring him to the med-bay. I'll see what I can do for him." Bruce offered a worried Tony.


Tony gently carried the sleeping teen down to the tower's med-bay and carefully set him down onto the medical bed where Bruce hooked him up to an IV. Bruce examined the bite, drew some blood, and ran numerous tests to try and find out how the bite affected Peter.

Peter woke up an hour later with a pounding headache. Although he felt better than he had earlier, he still felt awful. The blinding fluorescent lights above him and the high pitched beeping from the heart monitor made it feel like his skull was splitting open.

"Hey kiddo, how do you feel?" Tony asked in a hushed voice that still sent bolts of pain through Peter's head.

Peter winced in pain and cradled his head in his hands. "My head... it hurts... everything is so loud... and too bright." Peter whimpered.

Tony dimmed the lights and gave Peter a pair of earplugs to help ease his headache.

"Is that better?"

"Yeah, a little..." Peter responded still being able to hear his dad through the earplugs. "But I still feel really weird. My whole body is on edge, and it feels like my senses have been dialed up to eleven."

"I had Bruce run some tests to see what the spider did to you. Do you know what kind of spider bit you?" Tony questioned.

"When I was talking to Harry he said something about it being radioactive," Peter mumbled.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN RADIOACTIVE!!" Tony roared in concern.

"Well... uhh.. it..." Peter stuttered.

"Oh, Pete... this is bad," Tony whispered under his breath on the verge of a panic attack.

"Hey, Dad... Dad look at me! I'm fine. It's going to be okay," Peter tried to comfort Tony noticing his panic.

Tony had calmed down slightly, but Peter knew he was still shaken up. Peter unhooked the IV that was embedded inside his arm and made his way over to his dad to give him a comforting hug. After the much-needed hug for both of them, Tony took a deep breath and thanked Peter for calming him down.

Peter glanced down at his hand to see how ugly the spider bite looked and was shocked to find it was no longer there. He double checked both of his hands to make sure he wasn't going crazy, surely a bite that bad would have left a lasting mark.

"Umm... Dad?" Peter said with confusion and worry in his voice. "The bite is gone."

"What do you mean gone?" Tony questioned just as confused as Peter.

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