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The video up above is my first edit, and I'm pretty proud of it:) let me know what you think.  Okay and now on to the story.
This is a request from @iamKhrfan123. Thank you so much for the idea. Tony and Pepper are Peter's biological parents, and they live with all of the Avengers in the tower. Grab your toothbrushes and get ready for some tooth-rotting fluff.

It was an understatement to say the Avengers loved Peter. Ever since Tony and Pepper brought him home four years ago, they all swore to protect the child with their lives. Peter was the cutest, sweetest, most adorable bundle of energy to ever exist throughout all of the nine realms.

Tony had programmed FRIDAY to record Peter's cutest moments and save them to the folder labeled 'My Son.' Sometimes on rainy days, the Avengers would sit on the couch with buckets of popcorn and watch the heartwarming videos of their favorite nephew, or son for Tony and Pepper. And today just so happened to be one of those days.

~August 10, 2001~

Pepper and Tony exited the elevator and entered the living room of Stark Tower with their newest addition to the family. Swaddled in a soft baby blue blanket and snuggled tightly against Tony's chest fast asleep, was their newborn son, Peter. The moment the new parents and their child entered the room, all of the Avengers jumped from their spots of the couch and swarmed them at once, desperate to get a look at their nephew. Tony moved the bundle of blankets, revealing the tiniest and most precious baby they had ever laid eyes upon. He was absolutely adorable with his long eyelashes, chubby cheeks, his cute little nose, and his curly brown baby hairs that covered his head. At the sudden movement, Peter had woken up and let out a soft gurgling noise and stretched his chubby hands towards the group of heroes surrounding him. Peter's dark brown eyes scanned his new surroundings which received an "Awwwwww," from everyone in the room, including Loki.

The Avengers took their turns holding their new nephew, each one falling more in love with the child than they ever thought possible.

~July 2, 2002~

Tony, Pepper, Steve, Bucky, Natasha, Thor, and Loki were all gathered around Peter, sitting in the middle of the child's playroom. Peter was currently building a tower out of blocks with the help of Bucky and Nat while the rest of the group chatted amongst themselves, mostly discussing plans for Peter's first birthday party. Pepper's phone rang, and she stepped out of the room to answer it. Peter whined at his mother's sudden absence and lost all interest in building the tower. Peter began to crawl towards the door slowly, but when that wasn't fast enough, he shakily began to stand on two feet and make his way towards the hall.

"Oh, my God! Pepper get in here, now! It's Peter!" Tony called, watching his son slowly hobble towards the door.

"What! What's wrong? Is he okay?" Pepper demanded as she ran into the room only to freeze at the sight of Peter walking towards her. "OH MY GOD, PETER!" she squealed with delight.

"Can you walk back to Daddy now, buddy?"

And sure enough, Peter stumbled his way back to Tony. Both Tony and Pepper's heart swelled with pride and joy. Everyone applauded Peter as he sat down in his father's lap with a proud smirk.

~August 10, 2002~

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY PETER!!!" the Avengers all said in unison as Peter blew as hard as he could on the single candle in the middle of his Avenger themed cake. Peter giggled and clapped his hands when the candle blew out, which made everyone chuckle. When Peter received his piece of cake, he could barely contain his excitement and began to shovel it into his mouth with his hands. When Peter finished, he looked up with an innocent smile and cake smeared all over his chubby little face. Everyone in the room coed in adoration of the messy child.

"Oh sure, when he does it everyone thinks it's cute, but when I smash cake on my face I'm told I need to grow up," Tony smirks sarcastically.

~October 6, 2002~

"Dada," Peter gurgles excitedly, reaching his arms out, asking to be held by Tony.

Tony spits out his morning coffee in shock and looks with wide eyes at his son. "Say that again, Peter!"

"Dada, dada, dada!"

Tony scoops Peter up in a hug and spins him around the room with pure joy. His son's first words had been dad, dada to be correct. He had had a fear of being exactly like his father ever since Pepper had announced that she was pregnant, and swore he would always be there for Peter as his father had not been for him.

"Pepper get in here now! Peter just said his first word!" Tony yelled.

"WHAT!" Pepper screamed as she ran into the room, completely forgetting what she had previously been doing.

"Pete, can you say it again for momma?" Tony asks.

"Dadda," the curly haired child squeals, pointing at Tony. Then Peter points his finger at Pepper. "Momma," he giggled.

"Yes baby, I'm your momma, and he's your dadda," Pepper beamed as she engulfed Peter and Tony in a hug with silent tears rolling down both parent's cheeks, although neither of them will admit it.

~December 25, 2003~

"Mmmgghh... what time is it?" a sleepy Tony Stark grumbled after being shaken awake by Peter jumping on his and Pepper's bed.

"It is currently 5:24 A.M., sir," FRIDAY responded in her chipper Irish accent.

"And why is my little trouble-maker up so early this morning?" Tony questioned.

"Its Christmas!" Peter exclaimed with excitement only a child could have.  "Come on Dad, you too mom!" Peter whined while continuing to jump on the bed.

"Okay, okay, we're getting up.  Why don't you wake the others." 

Peter leaped off the bed and sprinted out the door on his mission to wake up the rest of his family of superheroes.  The moans and grumbled could be heard throughout the tower from the other Avengers.  

Soon, Peter had woken his family and gathered them in the living room.  In the middle of the living room sat the biggest Christmas tree any of them had ever seen, it was adorned with bright, twinkling lights, ornaments of all kinds, and at the top sat a glowing Avengers logo.  But what Peter was most excited about was the various presents underneath the massive tree.  Peter's family had gone all out with buying him gifts, but those weren't the present he was interested in.

Peter ran to a small pile of cards he had made for each and every one of the Avengers.  He quickly handed them out with a proud grin.  The inside of the cards contained a drawing of whoever's card it was and Peter.  They all began to tear up at the thoughtful gesture from the world's sweetest three-year-old.  Everyone gave Peter a hug and a kiss while thanking him for the beautiful cards that they would cherish forever.  

~September 8, 2004~

This was it, Peter's first day of preschool.  To say Tony was nervous would be putting it lightly.  His baby boy was growing up so fast, if only Strang would let him borrow the time stone to freeze Peter and stop him from getting older. 

Peter had been practically bouncing off the walls for the past week.  He had been so excited to go to school up until the moment he had to say goodbye to his family.  He sat outside the preschool room's door, sobbing when he realized the Avengers couldn't come with him.  They tried their bests to soothe the distressed child by promising to get ice cream after they picked Peter up.  Peter was engulfed in a group hug as he finally said goodbye to everyone.  Tony was the last to say goodbye to Peter, with one final kiss on the forehead and a warm hug, Peter waltzed into the room to join the other children. 

Tony stood at the door for a moment, trying his best to hold in the tears as he watched Peter play with the other kids his age.  His little boy was growing up so fast.  

I want to say a big thank you to all my readers! My story has over 1k reads, and while that might not seem like a lot, it's absolutely crazy to me! I'm so glad people like my stories, and I could never thank you all enough for your support! <3

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