Tell you one thing.. Coma..No Fun.

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Third Person P.O.V

Eleanor laid in the hospital bed. Every once and a while a nurse would come in and change her gause. A tube ran down her throat, keeping her breathing, the machine making simple noises, her heart beating a little slow.

The 2 Hales and Scott and Stiles entered her room, just as a nurse was leaving. What they saw scared them. Scratches and cut marks, along with bruises going down her arms and were on her face. Her left leg completely broken. A cast on her foot, a knee brace, and a hip brace contacted to the knee brace. A purple cast on her left arm. That sight alone broke Peter. He didn't cry, but he walked out of the room, to cry where no one was around.

The state everyone was in. It seemed as tho she died. They were told she was in a coma, and no possible way to know if she was going to come out of it, or even make it.

Eleanor's Coma Dream

Running. I was a little girl again and I was running. I remember that day. It was the day I fell and split my lip open, and having Derek's mom, my aunt, help me clean it up.

I wasn't watching my feet as I tripped over them and fell face first, biting my lip. I screamed out in pain. "El?!" My dad yelled. I didn't reply, I just screamed some more. "Awe sweetheart." My aunt cooed as she picked me up, bringing me to where my dad was. He grabbed me right away as I cried into his chest. "I'll be right back with something to clean up her face with." My aunt smiled at my dad as he nodded, thanking her. "Were you running again? I told you not to run in the house." He looked at me disappointingly. "I sworry." I was about to cry more. He sighed. "Peter, she's only 4, what do you expect?" My aunt laughed. "Honestly. Not much, she's been more understanding then I thought." My aunt laughed. "That's good." She smiled at me and started cleaning my lip with a wet cotton ball.

Eleanor's coma state: back and forth between their person p.o.v and Eleanor's coma state. Bold = coma state.

Screaming. I was screaming. I couldn't breathe. Everything was closing in around me. I tried to inhale but I barely grasp any air.

Eleanor's heart started racing and she started gasping for air. The nurse pulled out the tube and Eleanor started screaming. Peter and Derek were held back by 6 people; 2 nurses. Melissa McCall. 3 security guards. But they still tried to get through.

I saw clouds of smoke above me as I laid on the ground. I stopped screaming long enough to know I wasn't alone.

Eleanor stopped screaming, but was still gasping for air. "DO SOMETHING!" Stiles yelled over his father trying to keep him back.

I moved slightly and touched a foot. My eyes scanned up the body to see a disfigured face. I screamed again as it bent done and grabbed me my my throat and threw me across the room.

Eleanor screamed again but was silenced quickly, then she started seizing. The nurses held her down as the tried giving her a shot of a drug to calm her, but all it did was cause her to convulse. Peter watched in horror. He couldn't stop thinking he was gonna lose her. Again.

I gasped was the figure came toward me, its foot to my neck. I gasped in pain. It pushed harder and harder until...

Eleanor stopped seizing, convulsing, gasping, and most of all, she stopped breathing. Her heart monitor flat lined as everyone stood around, frozen. They all couldn't believe they lost her again. And this time. For good.

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