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To achieve at something, you have to want it bad enough. To live, you have to want to live. To be able to save your family, you have to be put in a position to be able to save them, and you have to be willing to risk your life.

I sat there confused at what I was reading. See, a couple hours ago I found a box in the old Hale house. It looked as tho it belong to a women. But who, I am still trying to find out. I picked up a price of paper. It was crumpled and dusty. I think who ever it was for didn't like what they read. I, being a very curious person, decided to read the letter.

Dear Peter,
By the time you read this I will be dead. I thought I could handle a child with you. But i was wrong. The thought of her being a wereworlf scares me. I was raised to kill them, and yet I find myself having a child with one. I'm doing this because I dont want my family to kill her. I know you'll be a great father. Once you saw our little girl. Eleanor Marie Hale. You wanted to protect her. She is and always will be your world. As she would be mine if I had the courage to stay. Please don't ever give up on her. She is going to need you now more then ever. She'll do great things with her life. She is going to grow up happy. She'll have her father to thank for that. I her mother, is and was a coward. But don't ever let her forget me. About how much I loved and still love her. She's with me where ever I go. No matter what Peter, I know me getting pregnant was a accident, but that doesn't me I didn't and don't love her. I love you Peter. No matter what. I always will and always have loved you. Remember that when you tell our daughter about me. I would lobe for you to give her the letter I wrote for her. It would mean the world to me. But I know that, with me gone you will be upset, mad even and probably won't want her to know about me. But one day you will. One day you will give her the letter. I love you Peter.

Love truly; Juliet Jakobsin.

I rubbed my eyes, clearing them of tears. My mother didn't want me if I was like him. But I wasn't, not at first. But I have realized I am a werewolf now. I was half before I was bit, that's why I had to die first. It was like I was reborn a werewolf.

I looked through the box and tried to find the letter she wrote for me. But I wasn't there. I put everything back and made my way to my dads. Remembering he's at Derek's.

I checked my phone and called my dad. "Hey dad." I smiled into the phone. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing. I was just wondering when you'll be back." I semi lied. I mean I did want to know when he'll be home. But I lied when I said nothing was wrong. "I'll be home in an hour or two. Why?" He asked. "Jeez. I'm just wondering. Relax." I heard him laugh. "Alright. I'm gonna shower. Bye dad." "Bye El." I hung up and ran to his room. I needed to find that letter.

I dug through everything. Including his underwear drawer. Scared for life. I mean.. EW! I took a step closer to his closet when the floor squeaked. I bent down and tapped the floor board. Hollow. I lifted the corner of it and for and envelope with my name on it. This must be it. I took it out and put the floor board back in place. I walked into my room and closed and locked the door.

I dumped everything from the orange envelope. I sat down and looked at it. There was a picture and a letter, along with a necklace.

I picked up the picture first. It was me as a baby and my mom. She had tears, and sweat on her face. She was still beautiful. She was smiling wide as I was asleep in her arms.

I cleared my face of tears. I looked at the necklace, it was beautiful. It was gold with a infinity symbol, with a heart diamond in the middle of the infinity symbol. Next came the letter. I opened it with shaky hands.

Dear my baby girl Eleanor,
I don't know if your dad has talked about me, but I'm your mother. I am no longer and living mother, but I am your mother. I love you always. I gave up my life to save yours. My side of the family was raised to hunt your fathers. To kill them. But I was different. I fell for father. But once I became pregnant I feared my family would hurt you if they found out. So I gave my life. Telling my family I wouldn't live with their life style. I wouldn't allow them to hurt you. Cause you were an are my world. I am sorry I was there. I'm sorry you grew up without and mother. But I believe that protecting you meant more. I don't and won't regret my choice. I love you baby girl. Always.

Love your mother, Juliet Jakobsin.

I heard the front door open and quickly hide everything under my mattress. My dad knocked on the door. "Changing!" I yelled. "Okay!" He said and walked away.

I got my hair wet a little before changing into my pjs. I mean it is 8:49pm. I walked out of my room. The feeling that I can't trust my dad, it was sicking. I wanted to trust him, but if he was hiding things from me. I was going to hide things from him.

I walked into the kitchen seeing him eating Chinese food. "I got food." He mumbled. "I see that. I'm not really hungry." I mumbled back. I walked past him to the fridge for a water. He gave me a weird look. "When is the last time you ate?" He asked. "Hmm I don't know?" I shrugged. "I'm just not hungry. But I am tired. So good night." I said walking away. "Night?" He mumbled confused.

I hate secrets. How could my dad not tell me anything about my mom.

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