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Clay Jensen

CLAY SAT IN THE PASSENGER SEAT of Tony's car as they sped away from the cops. Justin Foley was sitting in the back seat, half alive and well- half dead.

"Where is he going to stay?" Tony asked once they finally and somewhat safely escaped the cops.

"I don't know, he can stay with me, I guess" Clay said before handing Justin a burger.

Justin munched on the burger fast and swallowed big chunks, he was hungry and clay couldn't blame him.

"No way am I fucking staying with you" Justin replied with a chuckle.

"It's either that or we take you to your moms-"

"Okay fine. I'll stay with you" He said before taking a big gulp of water, "hey how's Claire doing?" Justin asked.

Clay's eyes softened at the thought of his sister, "not good" he mumbled and turned around toward Tony.

"We need to figure out where that place is" Clay said mentioning the place from the Polaroid pictures.

When clay had received the second Polaroid, he confided in Tony for help. Tony couldn't help but he agreed to somewhat help Clay find the place where the pictures were taken.

"What place?"

"That's what we're going to talk about later" Clay said and sighed, "I should let you know though- Claire listened to the tapes"

"What?" Justin said loudly and punched the air with his fist, "fuck dude"

"How was she after?" Tony asked looking over at Clay, "was she.. okay?" He asked looking back at the road.

"I- I cant tell you. For the last week she's been weird. Hasn't really talked much, wears sweatpants to school, I've been noticing she's been cutting her-"

"She's been cutting herself?" Justin asked interrupted the blue eyed boy.

"Yes, Justin" Clay said and rolled his eyes, "anyway, her and Scott are okay now. They went on a date the day she asked to listen to the tapes"

"How long ago was that?" Tony asked parking his red mustang.

"Monday, so five days ago. Today her and Scott are going out to eat, which means we should be able to get Justin up to my room without anyone seeing him"


"Okay, look at this picture" clay told justin as he reached for the Polaroid pictures, "does this place look familiar?"

Justin picked up the pictures and immediately threw them on his wooden table, "what the fuck are there and where'd you get them?" He asked angrily looking up at Clay.

"Just- Never mind how I got them, do you know the place?"

Justin nodded slowly after processing the surroundings, "it's called the clubhouse"

"The clubhouse" Clay said loudly as he wrote typed it down on his phone.

"Yeah, it's a secret shed in the back of the baseball field. All the guys go in it to party, drink, other things" Justin said and shrugged, "but who gave you this-" Justin began before looking back down at the picture.

Clay watched as Justin's eyes widened, "is Bryce-"

"Yeah" clay answered.

"Is that girl-"

"Unconscious?" Clay asked as Justin nodded, "unfortunately yes. We need to find this place and this girl so we can get Bryce prosecuted and get justice for all of those girls"

Justin thought for a minutes before sitting up, "how's Jessica doing, does she really want to see me?"

"She does, she does" clay said and sat back, angrily.


A week had passed and Clay was getting closer to the secrets of the clubhouse. Clay was almost able to get all the information he needed from it, Justin was freely roaming around the Jensen house as he helped Clay.

For the last week, Clay has only spent his time trying to figure out more about the clubhouse. Besides Tony and Justin, Clay confided in Sheri Holland to help him find out more, due to Sheri being on the cheer team.

"Claire, can you tell Scott that I need his help with something?" Clay asked his sister while she was decided one which black hoodie to wear.

"Mhm, what do you need him for?" She asked slipping one on and turning her attention to her brother.

"Something important"

"Which is?"

"A way to get Bryce in jail" Justin said from behind Clay.

"Yeah, that" Clay muttered and mentally glared at the Foley boy.

"Fine, but because you need the help, Clay. Not because Justin also wants his help" Claire said visibly glaring at Justin Foley from behind her brother.

"Be nice, Claire. But thank you so much, you're truly the best" Clay said and grabbed Justin's arm and left her room.

"Mom, Justin and I are going to Monet's before school" Clay shouted as Justin and he ran down the stairs and out the front door.

Lainie stood by the front door and just yelled, "Okay boys have a good day" to them even though Clay had already drove away.

"Okay, Sheri said she's going to meet us there" Clay said.

Justin say in the passenger seat. A bag filled with tools around his shoulder as he strangely stared out the window making Clay worried.

"Hey, Justin I'm talking to you!" Clay said snapping his fingers in front of Justin's face.

"Sorry-" Justin began and looked over at Clay slowly.

"Jesus, are you fucking high again?" Clay said slapping Justin's face slowly.

Justin slapped Clay's arm and rolled his eyes, "no, I'm just thinking about how bad I fucked up by leaving" Justin mumbled and exited the car.

Justin went to the table that Sheri was sitting at while clay went over to the counter to order drinks.

"Here you go, a mocha with extra little chocolate sprinkles and a hot chocolate" clay said placing the drinks in front of Sheri and Justin, "and of corse my triple americano"

"Anyways-" Justin said scrunching his eyebrows together, "so we have a way into the clubhouse" Justin said loudly.

"Okay, what is it?" Sheri asked taking a sip of her drink.

"Well, show her Justin" Clay said excitedly.

"Okay, well-" Justin began and lifted up a lock cutter and pliers.

"Put those down" Sheri said quickly, sitting up in her chair, "Jesus guys. Let me handle this the right way. They'd obviously know we were in there" Sheri said and glared at the two boys.

"Wait, we have a plan B" Clay said and looked over at Justin who nodded for the boy to continue.

"If it's destructing the clubhouse, no. How about I just go in there with something for leverage and get whatever you need?"

"Or-" Justin said and looked at Clay, "we can ask Scott if he can 'invite' you to it" he said.

Sheri sighed and looked at Justin, "that isn't the worst idea" she said shrugging her shoulders, "let's do that. I'll meet you later and tell you how it goes" Sheri said and left the small coffee shop.

"We're so close, Justin" Clay said looking up at the brown haired boy, "I think getting into the clubhouse will be good"

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