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Clay Jensen

CLAY LOOKED DOWN AT HIS WRIST where an inked comma was placed, swearing to himself angrily.

"A fucking comma, seriously?" He said loudly.

"Well, you shouldn't have passed out" Skye, Clay's girlfriend, scoffed and rolled her eyes playfully.

"I'm sorry. It's just needles and blood" he said referring to his fear: a fear he's had since he was a child.

"Clay, you're fine. I understand it was your first one. It's scary the first time" Skye said scrunching up her face.

She walked closer to the dark haired boy, wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing his plump lips.

"Hey- do you maybe wanna try this thing again?" Clay asked shyly.

Without any words, Skye grabbed onto Clay's arm and ran toward the bed she made in the building. She pushed him down and laid next to him, pulling the blanket over the two.

Their time soon came to end when clay felt the fresh scars created by Skye on her thigh.

The two began to fight and next thing Clay knew, he was walking through the front door of his house.

"Clay, honey we need to talk," his mom said the second Clay closed the door, "Claire!" She yelled.

Soon both of her kids were sitting on the tan couch, Lainie Jensen inhaling sharply before breaking news to the twins.

"Guys, Hannah Baker's case is going to trial tomorrow-" Lainie began to say but Clay quickly stood up- he was angry.

"I thought you said this was over with" he's said gripping onto his hair, "who's going first?"

"I can't release that information to you, Clay," She said and frowned, "Claire how are you feeling about this?"

Claire shrugged before looking up at her mom's blue eyes, "her story deserves to be heard"

"So does yours" clay scoffed while looking at his sister.

"What?" Claire asked with her eyebrow raised, "how many times do I have to tell you, Clay. Nothing happened to me that I didn't want to happen to me" Claire said rolling her eyes.

"That's not-" he said but bawled his hands in a fist, "we have Bryce's confession cant we send him to jail?"

"No, because we don't know who's on tape 9, only if you-"

"It's not my place to say, mom," Clay said looking over at his sister, "Claire, if you just speak up-"

"Nothing happened to me, Clay. Nothing on the tapes mentions my name, okay? Just drop it" Claire said angrily.

"Claire, honey" Lainie began and opened her mouth, "have you listened to the tapes?"

"No and I don't want to," she said and turned her face Clay, "I'm sorry, but I'm done talking about this"

Claire stomped up the stairs as Clay shook his head, "I haven't thought about Hannah in a while, and I'll just go on like that" he said and walked up the stairs softly.


"Clay!" Claire yelled as she pounded on the bathroom door.

"What?" He said opening it widely, "I'm trying to brush my hair" he joked.

"C' mon. I have to look good for Scott" she scoffed and pushed Clay away from the mirror.

"I'm sure any way you look is good for him," Clay said softly and looked at his sister, "how is it- you know, dating a jock?" He asked as he applied lotion on his face.

"Fine, why?"

"Well, Jeff was nice and kind-hearted- Scott just seems- douchey" Clay said shrugging his shoulders.

"Scott is amazing, he's almost like another Jeff" Claire sighed and turned to her brother, "the only thing I don't absolutely adore about Scott is the fact he's best friends with Bryce, but Bryce is cool," Claire said shrugging as she turned back to the mirror.

"Bryce is not cool," Clay said annoyed, "he's nothing. He's a terrible person, you shouldn't be hanging out with him" Clay said and turned to his sister, "I don't want you near him"

"Clay, you're not my dad"

"I know, but I worry-"

"There's nothing to worry about, Clay. I'm fine, I'm a big girl" Claire said calmly as she slammed her eyeliner down on the counter, "I just- I just love Scott. Okay?"

"Alright, okay," Clay said with his hands raised in defense, "but if something did happen or does happen you need to report it and come talk to me and mom and dad"

"I know" Claire shrugged and gathered her things, "see you at school"

Clay nodded and watched his sister leave the bathroom. He closed his eyes for a couple of seconds, blinking away the tears that clouded his mind.

He walked the stairs slowly as he saw his mom standing at the kitchen window, a mug full of coffee in her hands.

"Mom?" Clay called out and watched as the blonde haired lady turned around and smiled brightly at her son, "I- bye" he said nervously and walked out the house.

On the way to school, all he thought about was Scott and how this jock ended up with his sister, sure he was nice and took care of Claire, but it worried him. He thought about the devastating look on his sisters' face when she got the news about Jeff dying or during his funeral where she laid against his chest and cried harder than she ever did before.

Clay locked his bike up, nervously looking around before feeling his phone buzz, seeing the name of the first person to testify; Tyler Down.

As Clay walked down the hallways of Liberty High, Bryce smirked at the boy, knowing all of the trouble he gave Clay just months before. It even shocked Clay when he heard the news of the return of Alex Standall and Jessica Davis.

Clay sighed, opening his locker. A picture fell from the open locker, making clay pick it up. A picture of two faded out faces on a couch struck Clay's eyes as he turned around when the phrase 'Hannah wasn't the only one' caught his eyes.

Almost immediately he looked up, locking eyes with Scott Reed from across the hallways. Confusion ran through Clay's mind as he saw Tony walking by him.

"Tony!" Clay called out and watched the shorter boy turn around.

"You told me Hannah's case was going to settle," Tony said angrily.

"I didn't know it was going to trial until last night, but hey what do you know about Scott Reed?"

Tony gave Clay a confused look as he opened his mouth to speak, "he's on the baseball team, friends with Bryce, and is your sisters' boyfriend"

"Right, okay. Thanks, bye now," Clay shouted while walking down the

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