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Clay Jensen

CLAY JENSEN GLARED DOWN AT the Polaroid in his hand, 'Hannah wasn't the only one' stuck in his mind as he finally looked away.

"Clay, honey?" his mom said knocking on the door, causing him to push the picture under his pillow and open the door.

"Oh uh hey mom" he said with a smug smile, "what's up?"

"Hey, can you drive Claire to school today?"

Clay nodded and slammed the door closed. He threw on a new shirt and pulled on some pants, buckling his belt. He picked up his phone and saw many missed messages from Tony and Alex.

Clay rolled his eyes and just shoved his phone in his pocket, "Claire c'mon. We have to leave now" he yelled walking past her room.

"I'm ready, Jesus" she said and closed her door shut behind her.

Clay turned around and glanced down at his sister. He took in the sight: Claire's black hair was tied up, she wore sweatpants and Jeff's one hoodie.

"You okay?" Clay asked, shocked at his sister's outfit.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She said and pushed past the boy.

"Okay" He said defensively with his keys in his hands.

The twins made it out to his car and sat down in their seats.

"Claire, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, Clay" She said sounding angry, "why wouldn't I be?"

"For starters you're wearing sweatpants. You refuse to wear anything that isn't tight to school" Clay said starting his car, "second, Scott rushed out of our house Friday night"

"I'm fine"

"Well obvious-"

"Jesus fucking Christ, Clay, I'm fine. Okay? Just drop it" Claire shouted, aggressively opening her car door, "I'm fine, okay, I really am" she said her voice breaking by the end.

Clay just looked shocked at how sisters outburst, "okay" he said, not wanting the fight to go any further.

Clay watched as his sister disappeared into the school. Clay grabbed his bag and slowly walked into school, dreading the faces he had to see.

Clay zoned out, thinking of ways his sister could be lying. He thought about what great friends Claire and Hannah could've been, but his thoughts were soon interrupted by the feeling of an arm slouched around his neck.

He looked up and saw Montgomery's face. His face held an unreadable expression, but Clay was confused as to why this boy was staring at him.

"What?" Clay asked sounding annoyed.

"Clay, buddy, we need to talk. Like now" Monty said with his eyes wide open, "it's about Claire, now let's go over here" he said shoving Clay's scrawny body to the side.

"What about Claire?" Clay asked, he was nervous to know what the taller boy had to say.

"Listen, Cory-"


"Listen, Clay" Monty said rolling his eyes, "something happened Friday night" Monty began and looked around, but stopped talking when Bryce caught his eye, "we'll continue this later" he said and pushed Clay against a locker.

Clay raised his eyebrow and rolled his eyes. Clay looked to his side to see Jessica Davis crying, running out of classroom with pictures in her hand.

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