chapter 2

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Ready for the time of your life? Here it is..enough about me,here's were it gets interesting. Every summer my friends parents Celeste and Zachery sterling throw a BBQ/pool party.I even try to get jolly to go. I can admit sometimes i only go to pick on west coast even though he doesn't like me because i changed his sister Jenny in a bad way but,in reality she changed all on her own. She's just met another girl to share her wildness with. To top it off with i bring two friends from college,the bass sister's Shy'aly and Shy'mea.They both have this loud but cool as heck personality.I call them the soul sister's. They have each other's back no matter what including mine. I almost forgot,my favorite cousin...Jonatel. He is the best when i need to just get out the house. He may be 23 but he acts like he's 17.Don't worry you will meet him sooner than later.I just hope when i text him later he picks up!

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