chapter 1

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Lets get this party started! but before it begins i have a few more people you might want to know about. jolly, she has been my bf since kindergarten. We even live together. She does the right thing all the time but when it comes to party's she can get down. Don't worry I'm of age to go to a club. 22 years-old and still got the moves. Jolly and i are the same age as Jenny and west coast is 25 ( older brother of Jenny). I almost forgot the most important person in the world,my dad Mr.Evans or Joshua.He is my life.Two years ago my mom died of cancer and i shut down completely. I stopped talking to my friends and stopped going to school. The only person that brought me back to earth was my dad. He talked me into counseling and read me a letter my mom wanted me to hear. After hearing what my mom said, she knew her time was coming. She has been fighting cancer for 9 years and basically had enough.Just understanding that. I knew my mom wanted me to know she's in a better place. Everyday on her birthday i go to her grave and spend it with her. Her name was Analeyum Evans.

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