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~Chapter 6~
A Jerk in the Hallway 

The bus was loud, unchecked teenagers having free rein in such a small place was never a good idea. Beside you sat Larry who, after what happened a few weeks ago refused to leave your side in fear that you'd get yourself killed somehow. Sal and Todd sat in a seat across the aisle from you discussing something, most likely some new invention Todd was working on, or he was raving about his boyfriend again, you couldn't quite hear. The bus lurches to a halt causing you to nearly slam the side of your face into the seat if Larry hadn't caught your shoulder. 

"You really need to get used to that," he remarks as you all slowly pile your way out of the crowded yellow box. Sal and Todd quickly join your side as you walk into the school building. 

"I wonder if Ash is here yet?" Sal questioned glancing around the crowded halls. 

Larry lightly nudges his shoulder with a teasing expression, "I'm sure she's already waiting for you." With a quiet mumble, you couldn't understand Sal shoved Larry away from him and began leading your group to where all of your lockers were situated, and sure enough, there stood Ash, digging through her backpack to find a paperclip. You smile as Sal walks over to her, quietly making conversation as he offers her the paperclip from his pocket. Making eye contact with Larry the two of you glance over at Sal and Ash before looking back at each other with a smile. 

The loud ring of the first bell fills the hallway and the crowd of people begin to rush to their first classes, quickly sweeping you away from your friends as you make your way to your dreaded first period. Social Studies with Travis Phelps. After a bit of struggling you pushed your way into the room before the second bell rang and with a silent sigh you pull your things out and set them off the desk only for your textbook to be pushed to the floor courtesy of a certain blonde-haired boy standing in front of you. Glancing up at him you held back your irritation and simply reach down to grab your book only for him to place his foot on it. 

"What? Don't have anything to say, freak?" he calls down to you and you slowly lift your gaze to give him a deadpan look before simply sitting back in your seat to ignore him. "Don't fucking ignore me you damn mute!" he slams his hand on the table and moments later the teacher walked in and Travis immediately backs off and returned to his seat with his tail between his legs, allowing you to pick your book up off the floor. 

"All right children, open to page 175 we will be continuing to go over-" 

"Seriously, he's still bugging you?" Ash asks as the two of you walk out of your last class before lunch, you nod as you both walk closer to your lockers, "You should really tell a teacher about him." 

"About who?" you jump slightly, turning around to see Larry with a sour look on his face.
Before you can move to shake your head, Ash speaks up, "Travis is still picking on them." You could practically see the flame of rage spark in his eye when Ash said that. 

"Damn it, you'd think he'd learn his lesson after the first time" he sneers, cracking his knuckles as he glares down the hallway, "I'll have to teach him another one." Before he can take a step forward you quickly grab his arm, shaking your head no excessively before looking over to Ash with pleading eyes. 

With a small roll of her eyes, she places her hand on his shoulder, "They're trying to say You beating him up again isn't going to stop him, it's only going to make him angrier." With a sigh, Larry drops his arms by his side and you do the same, hesitantly, unsure of what he's going to do. 

Larry turns to make eye contact with you and you flinch back at the expression on his face, causing him to soften it before he starts talking, "All right, but if he keeps this up you better tell me, ok?" he questions and you nod causing Larry to smile pat your shoulder, "All right lets head to lunch and see what slop they're serving today." With a chuckle, you and Ash follow behind him, into the crowded lunchroom. 

With a sigh you rub the temples of your aching head, god teenagers were loud. Glancing around the empty hallway you smiled slightly, it was so weird to see the halls so empty and not packed with people. Another set of footsteps joins your own and you turn around to see Travis, a frown on his face as he slowly approaches you. 

"Sup, flamer" he greets with a sarcastic smile as he takes several more steps towards you. You simply ignore him, turning yourself around again to head back to the crowded lunchroom. With a tight grip, Travis grabs onto your arm causing you to flinch harshly against his hold. "Don't ignore me." After a few moments of panicked struggling, you pull yourself away from his grip. With a harch glare towards him, you can see him physically flinch back. Quickly you turn around again, thinking he'd back off for a bit only for his hand to grab onto your limb once more. In a swift motion, you spin yourself around and punch him across the face causing him to stumble back and let go. 

"What the fuck!?" he yells loud enough that you're sure the people in the cafeteria must have heard him but the look on his face made you think he didn't care. A swift punch lands itself in your stomach and you instinctively bent over. The floor came to you faster than you thought when he shoved you down, earning a low groan from you. The sound of rushing footsteps followed before Larry came into your view, tackling Travis down where he stood. Two sets of hands held onto you enough for you to pull yourself up, looking over you offer Sal and Ash a smile before going over to grab Larry, who in the few moments it had taken you to stand up hadn't stopped wailing on the blonde boy below him. It took four of you to pull him off of Travis. 

Travis had run off somewhere in the chaos but you could guess this wasn't going to be the end. The four of you walked down the now slightly filled hall as Ash looked over the forming bruise on your arm. The quiet crackle of the intercom somewhat quieted the hall of chattering children as it sparked to life to deliver an important message, "Larry Johnson and (Full Name), please come to the principal's office." 

You and Larry glanced at each other for a moment before Larry spoke up, "That little shit."

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