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Dreams haunt us in the dark

A door, sickly green in color just like all the others in the building. The numbers were scribbled out and a fresh pooling of blood seemed to seemed from underneath as it grew closer.

Then it was gone, the door, off its hinges, revealing the word behind it, dark and dusty.

The temple towered over you, the carvings on the wall seeming blurred.

Loud, the metal gate rose.

Bones, bloody bones.

A body? A body, Ash's.

She's bleeding, bleeding? She shouldn't be bleeding, should she?

Tears, they're crying, you're crying.

There are people in robes?

They're taking Todd.

Why Todd?


Is that Sal?

There's blood, is it his?

Flashing, Flashing lights.

Red Eyes.


The tree burns.

The robes are back.

Where are they taking me?




It echos.




The halls were quieter than usual following the news, math put on hold and turned into a study hall for the time it took for the school to find a replacement teacher. A memorial was set up in the courtyard for Mrs. Packerton but after everything that happened, you couldn't even look at it. The five of you stayed quiet during lunch, the spots in front of you empty. No bologna, you had all silently made that agreement with the exception of Chug who chowed down on his sandwich only a foot away unaware of your disgust. You hope to god that it wasn't leftover bologna, just the thought made you want to gag-

"Earth to (Name). Anyone in there?" Ash's voice breaks you from your thoughts as you glance over at the girl who displays a look of concern across her face. "You good there? You've been zoning out a lot."

Her comment catches the attention of the others at the table as their gaze is immediately drawn to you. Letting out a sigh you rub the palms of your hands over your tired eyes, 'I'm fine, I just haven't slept well the last few nights since, well... you know.' Your sight drifts down to the wooden surface of the table as you attempt to steady your unfocusing gaze.

Sal shifted in his seat across from you before his eye landed on your hunched figure, "It doesn't seem like nothing, are you sure you're ok?"

Glancing around the cafeteria, you shake your head, 'Not here' your finger tremble slightly before you drop them down to your lap.

The group nods before Larry leans in, "Treehouse, after school?" you nod just as the bell rings throughout the space and the struggle to push your way to a class begins.


"You should really go see if you can take a nap in the nurse's office" Ash commented her gaze leaving her sketch to look across the table at you, graphite smeared on your face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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