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"This is going to be great," Freddy muttered as he tried to turn on the camera that he had attached to the helmet he was wearing

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"This is going to be great," Freddy muttered as he tried to turn on the camera that he had attached to the helmet he was wearing. Riley noticed his struggle and turned to help him get it set up.

"It really is. Those assholes deserve it," Riley said. She brought her hands down and smiled. "There." "Thanks," Freddy told her with a small smile. His eyes then landed on the black truck pulling up to school and he grinned. "Speaking of those assholes."

The two turned and chuckled before hiding out of view from the Breyer brothers who were getting out of their truck. The brothers started walking up the school steps and Riley had to put a hand over Freddy's mouth to stop him from laughing when they saw Billy in his superhero form grab ahold of the truck before throwing it up in the air with his super strength.

Billy then sped away right as the Breyer brothers turned around. Their eyes widened once they noticed their truck was gone. "Uh. . .Burke?" Brett said. "Where's the truck?"

Burke frowned and took the keys out of his pocket before pressing a button. They could hear their truck as it beeped, but as they looked around, it was no where to be seen. The brothers furrowed their eyebrows and Burke kept pressing the button. "I can hear it," Burke muttered confused.

Just then, the truck finally fell down from the sky and hit the pavement with a sickening crunch. The truck was instantly destroyed and started beeping like crazy as its air bags went off.

Brett and Burke looked at their truck in horror while Freddy and Riley laughed from a little ways away. "You got that all on video, right?" Riley asked. "I sure hope so. Their faces were priceless," Freddy said in between laughs.

The two laughed for a moment longer before making their way over to the brothers who were still freaking out about their truck. "You know, guys," Freddy said as the two walked up. The brothers turned to look a him and Freddy gave them a smug smirk.

"I don't think that's going to buff out."

The brothers glared at Freddy, but the boy ignored it and instead turned to look at Riley. "Come on, Riles. I'll walk you to class," he told her. "I'd like that," Riley responded and the two smiled at each other.

And with that, the two made their way up the stairs of the school as they chuckled softly to themselves, leaving the two Breyer brothers behind with their demolished truck.

- - -

"You sure this will work?" Riley asked as she glanced at her brother. The two were leaning against the wall outside of the room where Freddy was currently stealing a coat from one of the teachers. "Positive. The only person we really have to worry about is that security guard down there and we've handled worse than him," Billy assured her.

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