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"Dinner!" Riley heard Victor yell from downstairs

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"Dinner!" Riley heard Victor yell from downstairs. The blonde let out a small sigh and quickly closed her notebook before hiding it under her pillow. She then began to walk out of her room and smiled when she saw Freddy coming out of his room as well.

"Where's Billy?" Riley asked curiously when she noticed that her brother wasn't with the boy. Freddy shrugged. "Haven't seen him since he left the room earlier," Freddy told her. Riley frowned and the two began to make their way down the stairs.

"You're going to love Darla's cooking," Freddy said as they reached the bottom. "So I've heard," Riley muttered as they walked into the dining room. Rosa, Victor, Darla, Eugene, Mary, and Pedro were already in there and Riley sighed once she noticed that Billy was still no where to be seen.

Freddy sat down in a seat that had an empty chair next to it and he gave her a small smile before gesturing towards the empty seat. Riley smiled softly and sat down next to the boy.

They waited for Billy to come downstairs before eating and after a few minutes of them just sitting there, Riley rolled her eyes and yelled out, "Billy, I swear to God if you aren't down here in less than a minute, I'm gonna-" "I'm coming!" Billy's voice immediately yelled back and the whole family looked to Riley in surprise.

The blonde just shrugged. "He knows not to mess with me. The last time he did, I put green dye in his shampoo and his hair was green for two weeks," Riley explained.

The family all let out small chuckles, but what surprised them the most was when Pedro let out a not so quiet laugh before saying, "I like you." They all turned to the boy in surprise and he just shrugged before saying, "She's funny."

Riley smiled while the others opened their mouth to question Pedro seeing as he wasn't really a talkative one and was already opening up to the girl who had been here for less than an hour. However, they were unable to get any words out for Billy had walked into the room.

The boy's eyes were on his sister who only smirked before nodding at the empty seat across from her. Billy sat down in silence before noticing the look Freddy was giving him. "What?" He asked.

Freddy let out a small snort, which Riley found adorable, before he said, "I was just imagining you with green hair. You probably looked like the Joker."

Billy's face reddened slightly while Riley let out a loud laugh. "He totally did. Want to see a picture?" Riley asked as she pulled out her phone. "Riley," Billy complained, but it was too late.

Riley was already showing the picture to Freddy who put a hand over his mouth to cover up his laughter. "Nice," he said as he high-fived the girl. Riley eagerly high-fived him back while Billy glared at the two.

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