Chapter 13

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It went pretty well until when it was my turn to go again Jungkook pushed me down and I fell.

I sat on the ground floor in agony.

"I think I twisted my ankle!" I yelled holding my foot.

"Someone get the nurse!" Hoseok yelled.

Jungkook and Taehyung just stood there staring at me like I was planning the whole thing.

Which I WASN'T.

Hoseok sighed and helped me to my well... foot.

I hopped on one foot the whole way to the nurse.

The nurse told me to sit on the bed so I did.

She bent down and touched my ankle.

"Does it hurt here?" She asks.

What I want to say is:

Well no duh it hurts I just fricken fell on my ankle and you're pressing on it!

But I don't.

"Yes!" I yell out in pain.

The nurse takes a long look at it.

"Yep. That's definitely sprained." She said getting a brace from her closet.

She carefully straps it around my foot then says I should probably go home and get some rest.

That's when I realize she would have to call my actual parents which I do not want to happen so I tell her to call my grandmother instead.

She gives me a weird look then I give her the number and she calls it.

"Hello? Yes. I calling to tell you to come pick up y/n. She has sprained her ankle in P.E. and needs to get some rest so it can heal. Alright. Thanks." She hung up the phone and told me to get my stuff ready to go home, which I gladly did, with the help of Hoseok.

I was still mad at Hoseok for the incident in the classroom but he still helped me with my ankle so I don't know what to think anymore.

I sat in the office and waited for my grandmother to come pick me up.

After about 30 minutes she finally came through the door huffing and puffing.

"Come on." She rolled her eyes.

"Have a nice day!" The lady at the front desk told my grandmother as we walked out.

"Whatever." She scoffed.

I was surprised at how rude she was being and I wanted to say something, but I didn't.

When we got to the house she didn't even bother to help me walk inside, I just had to hop on one foot the whole time.

I just went in my room and watched YouTube on the computer that was in the room.


After a little bit I heard Hoseok come home from school.

He opened the door to my room and when I saw him I got kind of mad from what he did to me at school.

"Hey. Are you feeling okay?" He asked sitting on the bed.

"I guess." I rolled my eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked.

I ignored him.

He eventually left the room.

I put my blanket over my head and quietly cried myself to sleep.


My Bully Jungkook // A Bts FF | J.JK \\Where stories live. Discover now