Chapter 4

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Josh POV~

When Samantha left my apartment, I started to clean the mess she had made in the kitchen. Just the thought of her made a smile take presence on my face. I'm really interested in this girl. It's totally amazing she doesn't know who I am, and hopefully won't for awhile. I don't want her to start acting different after she knows about my lifestyle, who I am, and who I know. Heck, I surprised myself when I brought her to my apartment, she could of been some crazy person. But she wasn't and that's fantastic!

After the kitchen was finished, I headed to my bedroom to shower. When I got out and got dressed, I noticed how late it was. Shouldn't Samantha have texted me by now? What if something happened? What if that guy followed her?! Panic started to set in. But then a thought popped up in my mind. She gave me here number and she never got mine! Stupid us! I took out my cell and gave her a call, then two, then five. Samantha didn't pick up once. Resuming my earlier stress, I decided to google her name. Ironic since we were going to do that earlier with me! Upon searching, I found her social media profiles and, not creepily, stalked them. Finally, after 25 minutes, I was able to piece together from all of the profiles, where her grandma lived. I then grabbed my jacket and headed to go hail a taxi.

Samantha's POV~

I rolled over and squinted my eyes open. Sunlight poured into the room from the window directly behind the bed. Grudgingly getting out of my warm comfy cacoon I had made during the night, I shuffled into the bathroom in the hall. I hopped in the shower and dressed in some clothes stowed in my "room". My stomach rumbled, reminding me of the breakfast I was to have with my grandma this morning. Oh boy. Don't get me wrong, she's very understanding but she's going to freak out about me getting attacked. Then again, who wouldn't? So I began my way to the kitchen and could already smell my grandma's cooking. Yum!

Before making it to the kitchen, I yelled to ask my grams what she was making. By the time I reached my destination, she was getting ready to answer me. Upon seeing me, a grin stretched on her face.

"There is a fella asleep on the couch that came looking for you last night. Care to explain?" she said.

"What? Who is it? Did you get a name?" I questioned.

"It's John I believe?" she guessed.

"It's Josh actually," a deep, husky voice intervened.

Are you kidding me.

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