Chapter 1

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When the man and I walked along the streetlights, it was peaceful. He took an abrupt turn left and being drunk, I thought nothing of it and immediatly followed. My second mistake. He grabbed ahold of my dress and I could hear a ripping sound coming from the hem. I instinctively screamed out for help. However, he clamped his sweaty, hot hand over my mouth before the scream could take its intended effect. I then started to fight back, kicking, flailing, and just all around freaking out. The man tried to worm his hand under my dress and I knew right away his intent. The silencing hand slipped down onto my shoulder in the struggle, in which I took the chance to again yell for help.As the battle continued, the stranger started to get the upper hand. Then, I was on the ground and so was he. But the man was unconcious. Bewildered, I scrambled to my feet and bumped into my rescuer.

"Are you alright? Injured?" questioned my savior.

"No, I am uh ok. Thank you so much for helping me, I don't know what I would have done. I didn't even know him-" 

The man interrupted me, "Shhh, calm down. It's fine. My place is only a couple blocks from here, let's go clean you up."

"That would be great. My name is Samantha Kole by the way" I introduced myself

"My name's Josh" he replied while shaking my hand.


I know it"s short...hopefully the next one is longer 


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