Chapter 2

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Once we had introduced ourselves, we took of under the streetlights again but this time they didn't seem so blurry; I must of sobered up with the attack. Josh led me on the sidewalk as we made small talk.

"So what were you doing with that guy anyway?" he asked me.

"Well uh...we met in a club and for some reason we took a walk. I don't really know why I did any of that, it was ignorant. I'm just really thankful you saved me," I replied.

"No problem."

"May I ask what you were doing?"

"Oh well, um I was heading home from a gig" Josh said, "I'm a drummer in band with a couple of lads. It's a blast."

"Oh I see. That must be pretty fun. I've always wanted to learn how to play the guitar."

Josh then stopped in front of a fancy apartment building which got me wondering who just saved me.

"You live here?" I asked Josh.

"Yup, home sweet home," and with that he headed inside. Once we got on the elevator we went up to the 5th floor, which apparently is all his. The guy must be loaded.

"Nice place you have here" I complimented. 

"Thanks, do you want anything to drink? or a change of clothes?" he inquired.

I looked down at my dress to access the damage for the first time, and let me tell you, this baby was ruined. A tear went from the bottom hem up to my upper thigh and another on each shoulder. I also saw that my knee was bleeding from a scrape I most likely got when I fell to the ground. In summary, I was a gigantic mess. Yay Samatha...(note sarcasm).

"I think I'll take you up on those offers. Do you happen to have a bandage too?"

"Of course, let me go gather the clothes and bandage. You can go to the kitchen and get whatever you like," Josh graciously stated. 

"Alrighty, again thank you soooo much."

He smiled and whisked down a hall way to where his bedroom most likely was. I hauled myself from the entryway on the search of the kitchen. Once I found it, I was in love. I have always had a passion for cooking since my grandma taught me at a young age and this was my dream kitchen. All the appliances were stainless steel, there were all granite counter tops with an island, a baker's table, and even a pizza oven! I decided to make a cup of hot tea to calm my nerves and to make some for Josh as well, it is the least I could do. So when I found the mugs, tea bags, sugar, and figured out how to use his fancy microwave, I sat at a barstool in the kitchen and waited for Josh to come. In no more than two minutes, he came in with his hands full. He set down a neat pile of cltohes and a box of Band Aids. 

"I just grabbed you some sweatpants and tshirt. Hopefully they aren't humogous on you."

"This is great, I guess I'll go change. I made you a cup of tea also."  I stated.

"Thank you. Oh and the bathroom is down the hallway and to the left." 

"Okie dokie." 

I followed his directions that led me to a beautiful bathroom. The sweatpants had to be rolled quite a few times and I used the strings to tighten them as far as they could go. The shirt was big on me so I used a ponytail I kept on my wrist to make it bearable. I washed my knee with water and slapped the bandage on. A comb was on the counter, which I took to my advantage by running it through my hair. I did a once over in the mirror and decided that was good enough. When I got back to the kitchen. Josh was finishing up his tea. 

"Wow, those fit better than I thought they would." commented Josh.

 "Haha is that a fat joke?" I kidded.

"No. No, I only meant that-" Josh stuttered.

"It's ok Josh, I was just kidding. Loosen up!"

"Haha ok if you say so," he said as he started to stretch.

"Very funny," I laughed.

"Hey, I was just following your instructions!"

"Okayyy Mr. Saracastic!"

We both started laughing at our banter then it slowly came to a stop.

"So Josh, can you tell me a little about yourself?" I asked.

"Um sure. You go first."

"Hmm, well my full name is Samatha Nicole Kole. I like to have fun, I loveee my grandma, and hate my parents." I confided.

"I see. Well my full name is Joshua John Devine. I also like to have fun, I love to drum, and I like to teach little kids how to play drums in my free time."

"Aw how sweet! I bet the little kids have a wicked time just banging on the drums. Do they even do very well?" I pondered.

"That's all you got out of that?" he asked scrunching his eyebrows.

"Oh yeah, it's very awesome you like to have fun. And you have already told me you played drums, Joshua."

"You have no clue, do you you? Oh, it's about time you got educated." and with that he grabbed his MacBook and pulled up the Internet. Oh boyy.

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