Whiskey's Beauty

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Whiskey never tasted so sweet when saying goodbye .
It makes you feel high,
It makes you feel less shy,
As it burns your throat and allows the pain flash by.

It's a heavy feeling,
It makes you cry.
You forget that you're shy.
It all seems to fade away,
It all seems to die.

It's great for expressing emotions.
It's perfect for permanent goodbyes.
Ones to remember in blurry episodes that eventually make you sigh.
It makes all fears disappear even if it's just for a second.
It's something you can always depend on

To forget the feeling of it all on your chest.
To forget the weight of life.
It's the best.

I'm not addicted to whiskey.
I'm addicted to wanting to forget,
I'm addicted to the feeling of nothing. 
I'm addicted to escaping this horror fest .

No one is completely honest.
Whiskey is a lair
That what's makes it special.
When everyone has left, whiskey is always there.

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