Flickering lights

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In this city there was you
in this city there was me
We both were meant to be ...
Until you were left alone by somebody named me...
I'm sorry
Yes it was my fault but I came back to all the assault
You let me fall to the ground but what could i do,
I was lonely and restless and unarmed too.

Years passed and I began to love you
but what can i say there isn't much of a price to pay
You found how to get revenge and you took it out on me
You then decided to set me free
I was happy to be gone but is it wrong if you actually loved me?
I am following my heart and not my mind
because the mind will decieve you but the heart might leave you blind.

Left alone in the cold,
Excommunicated from the real world.
I lost control,
I loved the enemy
The one true killer,
The one i called my love
The only one who could save me from this distant reality.

You played me some notes on the piano
The same notes haunt my nights
The same song that shared our happiness
The same song that makes me have a strange sensation in my eyes
You made me cry
I never shed salt water from my eyes
But now I have
All because of my unfortunate life.

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