Romeo and Juliet But Less Cringy and More Cooler

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"Oh my!" My aunt exclaimed, as she almost smothered me. "My baby is all grown up."

"I know right?" My uncle chimed in. "Its like it was just yesterday when she went straight into the wall like that Harry Batter movie when she was learning cycling."

And then suddenly, as in on cue, my entire family just turned up from out of nowhere like those centipedes in the Anaconda movie and began talking about my most embarrassing moments.

"You've become so pretty." My grandmother said, as though she were seeing me for the first time in a long time, while it was only two days ago that the entire lot of them had pestered me for a 'treat' for my wedding and completely emptied my wallet. "You are the most beautiful bride, ever."

"True,true", my best,evilest and demon friend Meera said, as two drops of tears fell from her eyes and she daintily wiped them off with the designer handkerchief that she'd bought to go with her lehenga outfit for the wedding.

"What the heck are those fake tears for?" I asked.

"Shush, shush. The photographer is taking candids now, I got to give justice to my role as the bride's best friend." She said, as she wiped another tear off her face while solemnly smiling at me.

Yes, here I was, at the craziest wedding ever, getting married to the craziest guy ever, surrounded by crazy people, and I wouldn't change a thing (perhaps except for some extra starters in the menu).

"I've even prepared a drink for you." She said, as she handed over a glass containing some wine. "The last few minutes as a bachelorette. Cheers to you." I took a sip and spit it out, I was certainly not expecting plain water.

"Dude, I sneaked in some beer but your annoying cousins stole it. Pretend it's a drink,lol." She said. "And say something."

I did exactly that.

"Finally, my dreams are coming true. I've always known I'd get married quite easily, given my charm, but I didn't expect to be married so soon. It's like all my childhood dreams are finally coming true. I've always wanted to be an aunty ever since I was a little girl. Once I am married, I am going to embrace my aunty identity to the fullest. I will wear coloured bindi and host kitty parties every week, I will go to sewing groups and learn crochet while I gossip to my heart's content!" I said. To be honest, I was a puddle of emotions, realising that I was one step away from my lifelong dream.

"Hear,hear." Meera said.

My cool aunt who was standing beside me, while the beautician was finishing up my makeup, gave a small chuckle. "I am sorry to burst your bubble but you aren't allowed into the elite aunty club."

"Huh, why so!" I said.

"You are just a nouveau riche aunty. All that you are entitled to do is post whatsapp forwards on facebook. You will be admitted to the elite aunties club and serve samosa on the weekends only if you provide fifty juicy gossip every month for two years."

"What! What about my dreams!"

However, there was a commotion and it was clear that it was time for me to go to the stage. I wore a peacock-blue kanjivaram silk saree with a maroon colour blouse. There was a smog of holy smoke in the entire area, coupled with the general chatter of the people. I approached the panigraha(the area where the ceremony takes place) and almost burst into laugher looking at the scene.

Rudra was sitting wearing the light blue shirt he'd selected for himself. But the funny thing was that he was sitting like on of those people on a totem pole, frozen with fear and his mouth was etched into a weird comical clowny grin.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2019 ⏰

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