Free Falling into the Abyss

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"You need to add sugar, a little bit more, in my tea." Rudhra said. So I purposely didn't add any.

He sipped it with great fervor. I could only look at him.

"I actually like it less. But I purposely told you the opposite. Because you'd definitely do the opposite of what I told you, just to oppose me, I told you the opposite. Though it's actually the opposite of what I want."

I wanted to bang my head against the wall.

I wasn't talking to him for the past one day. He kept irritating me to trick me into talking to him. What had happened the day before yesterday was one of the dark moments of my intellectual life.


My friend , Meera and I had launched into an epic rant about our love lives during our shopping trip . "It's especially hard this month, this month being the month of Valentine. I feel that, the day finally someone would come to love me would be thirtieth of this month." She had said. I had nodded, wishing her all the best in finding her love and then had begun speaking about the cool thing I had heard. "Do you know, my neighbour's father was born on February 30 also? So cool, right?"

My friend had looked at me like I had grown another head, and only then, slowly and significantly, I had begun to realise that I hadn't put to use, at least the one head my mother had given me.

Feb 30.


End of flashback.

It spoke volumes about my intelligence, and it made me very feel so stupid. I should just give up human life and begin to live with apes now.

"Hey, do you like chocolate ice cream or strawberry ice cream?" He began again, and I was about to send him off, but there was a knock on the door.

"Should I open the door for you? Tell me, and I'll do it immediately." He said, in an another trick attempt to talk to me. I had an immense craving to bicker with him, but I held my tongue.

I walked towards the door, ignoring him, and opened the door to reveal Mrs Anand's,the apartment secretary  twin girls Pooja and Priya. I could never tell them apart, but it wasn't very difficult since every time I called one name, both of them came anyway. Mrs Anand was Rudhra's aunt. So her children were his cousins, obviously.

The only thing scarier than three year old cousins is thirteen year old cousins.

"We knew you would be here, in Sam's house, so we came here." They said.

"Why?" He asked them, suspiciously.

Him getting suspicious on their motives was to be expected, for these two were a worse bunch than my own cousins. Perhaps their horribleness ran in the family. Which was a matter of concern for society in general.

"Our skipping rope got stuck in the mango tree." They said.

"Get it yourselves." He said.

"Help us, or we'll tell our mother that Sams is your girlfriend." They said, as their face contorted into identical little grins, in annoying voices reminiscing just about every other blackmailing thirteen year olds.

"Do it, I don't care." He said stoically.

What the hell? That would cause so much trouble for me, I didn't want to be the subject of anyone's gossips. I cared about my image at least a little. Also, to be called Rudhra's girlfriend is my worst nightmare. I'd rather be single for the rest of my life.

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