Marry Me for a Noble Cause

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At the end of the day, after a hard day at the office, you come home to find that your loving partner has cleaned the house, done your dishes for you. What a happy blissful life that is. And add a little cup of coffee.

Huh. It was not about us. It was the narrator on the coffee advert we were watching.

"That reminds me. Help me clean my house." Rudhra declared.

"No way." I said. No matter how many times his house was cleaned, it still looked like the set of a deserted horror movie. And the amount of cobwebs made me wonder if he secretly was Spider-man.

"Pretty please, please please?" He said.

"Begging won't get you anywhere, Rudhra." I said.

"No way! You have to!" He said.

"Nor will, demanding." I said.

"Fine then." He stood up gallantly. "I will do that myself."

"Good luck. Just think of it as exercise." I said.

There was another secret to make Rudhra do something that he didn't want to. It was to suggest every activity as a sort of physical exercise. Now that he was a physical trainer, he couldn't escape from it at all. Even though he dreaded it, he had no choice to refuse. Ha.

But he was a good physical trainer, and was surprisingly quite dedicated . It was two months since he and his friends opened the gym together. The tagline 'People exercising – a performance art' (suggested by Rudhra, obviously), made the both of us laugh until our stomachs ached, every time we thought about it.

"Just one question though." I heard him say. "Should sweeping be done before the floor is mopped, or after?"

I had no other choice but to help him. He always convinced me to do things that I had no interest in. In certain aspects of things, I couldn't leave him alone. He also couldn't leave me alone, and dragged me to the gym once. I couldn't bear the sight of it, at all. I'd threatened him that I'd add more curry leaves( he hated them) than I already did, in my cooking, if he didn't leave me alone. He had no other chance, but to relent.

And then we spent the rest of the day cleaning his house, scrubbing and rubbing and sweeping and polishing, everything done by me. He was only there to hand over stuff whenever I asked for them. Not that I wanted him to, though. He only made things worse.

But suddenly, he started laughing. I could only look at him.

"Hahahahaha. It's just that, you, with that outfit, and that anger on your face, totally resemble the cleaning lady who used to work in my house when I was younger! She also had that exact same expression that you're having now!"

I had the sudden urge to urge to fling the dirty water all over him. So I did exactly that.

But he wasn't someone who let things like that slide, so he hugged me.

And somehow the house became more messier than it originally had been.

"Noooo." I yelled.

"That was fun." He said.

"Good heavens, Rudhra." I said. "You are so mean. All girls want to be treated like a princess by their boyfriends, but you don't even have an ounce of romance at all!"

"Huh romance?" He asked, puzzled.

"Yes." I said.

"And you want to be treated like a princess?" He asked me.

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