Chapter 16

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I was sleeping on his lap while he was sitting on the floor and doing homework for both of us in the living room ..

I looking up to see his face and it make me more sure about how much I love & adore him ..

Every angle of his body made me feel cool in my stomach like I am riding the roller coaster.

" Tay ! I am always the one who do all the homework"

" Hmm So ? "  I turned my body to face his stomach and I wrapped my both hand around his waist ..

" Move your hand ! I still not finish yet ! "

" Just keep talking ! I am listening ! "

He made a long sigh and continue

" So, I don't want you to anyhow let other people see my effort ! you go and check all your books .. all are with my hand writing start from 1st year "

" Hmm Uhm ! So ? "

Actually I know what he try to say but I just want him to show his feelings by himself.

The day at the canteen , I know why he was angry but I just want him to say he is jealous then jealous .. Not just keep quite and make things worse ..

Now I know that he wanna say not to teach Pun but he still not going to say it directly ...

" So ! I don't like " 

I laughed and bite his stomach !

" Ahh ! Ahh Tay What kind of animal are you ? Dog ? Human not bite Stupid "

" An animal that want to eat you alive " I getting up from his lap and and leaning on the sofa behind us.

" You Jerk ! " He hit my head and leaning on the sofa and pulling the table near him and still writing..

" Tell me what do you want to say ! Say it to my face directly "

" Nothing ! I just want you to know how I appreciate my work and don't want other people to see it except you "

That boy is really ! Will he die if he say he is jealous of Pun ? And he is only writing for me the homework and I am the one who studying and all these lesson I teach to Pun is from my brain .. not from the book .. but thanks to him , I still got all these record ..

I stare at him for around 30 sec ...

" Stop staring at me ! I can't concentrate to wirte " 

He put down the pen on the table and turn his head and looking at me while narrowing his eyes

I just didn't say anything but still staring at him ..

" What again ? "

Once I heard his voice, I closer my body to him and our faces are just a few inches away ..

His hand automatically pushed my chest but not with force .

It would be more correct if I say , his hand just touch my chest ..

We both not looking away and staring each other eyes ..

" Tay ! Mov.. "

I don't let him complete his sentence and pressed my lip against him..

He is not resisting...
The hand he placed on my chest to make gap between us but it's dropped slowly...
He is more relaxing to receive my kiss ..
I holding his lower lips and sucking abit ..

" Ahh " He made a sound and pushed me with both hand ..
I leaning back to the sofa and looking at him while wiping my mouth ..
I raised my eyebrows and asked him

" So ? You accepted me ! "

" What ? I pushed you ! You are the one who kiss me first ! "

" But I didn't force you ! If you don't like , you can pushed me from the start "

His face is burning ! All his white skin turn red ..

" So if this is not acceptance, what is that ? " I asked him ..

I just want his reply .. I just want his heart and honest answer from him .. but he still pretending as he has no feeling for the kiss ..

" This is nothing ! We are just friends and both man ! sometimes all of these things can happened .. All the men are horny ! So can make a mistake ! "

" We are not fool or drunk to make a mistake Hin and I know myself. I kissed you because I want to kiss you "

" Let's stop it here Tay "

" Do you feel good too right ? Aren't you satisfied with my kiss ??  You pushed me because you become hard right ???? "

I shouting at him without realising myself ..
He looking at me angrily with teary eyes..
I just feel wrong after seeing his face !
I have no right to make him sad ..
I grabbed his hand and said softly

" Where and what I am in your heart Hin? "

His tear dropped...
He is not answering my question...
What made him so hard to admit ?
Why can't he accept his own heart ?
Why must he pretend he doesn't care ?
I am sick of it
Even I opened up my heart for him
but  he is still ............
I want him to know that he is making everything
become worse ...

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