Chapter 31

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Tara P.O.V

His eyes moved down, he smile at me.

"Hello Sara."

What a relief i thought he recognized me.Hello how did you know my name.

"I know you are surprise how i know your name. I saw you at the funeral, when one of your coworker mention your name."

"Sorry let me introduced myself I'm Nick Benson."

I know i said.

"How did you know my name he asked looking shocked how i know his name."

Did i said it loud.

"Yes you did, he said."

Oh my God what have i done, uh... your.... name was mention among the guest at the funeral.

"Oh i see."

Okay nice meeting you Nick, i sneered,going to shut the door but he stuck his foot in preventing it from closing.

" Please, give me a minute, i only want to talk."

Okay, what do you want to say.

"Can i come in please."


"I know you don't know me.Please I'm not a bad person, please hear me out."

OK come in, he walked in looking around at the small apartment.

Please have a sit i told him.


Can i get you something to drink.

"No thanks I'm okay."

I was shaking throughout,
I sat on the chair.

"Hmmm... I'm sorry to disturbed you at this time of the night."

Oh it okay, Just that having a stranger in my house is something i have never done that before i told him.

"Oh it Okay i understand you."

Thank God we are sitting in the kitchen. I have divided the kitchen and the bedroom with curtains.

So he can't see Grace sleeping on the bed. Please can you start.

"Oh my sorry. When i saw you at the funeral you resemble someone very special to me."

I was shock what he said.

"She was my everything, I love her with all my heart."

What her name if i may asked?

"Her name is Tara Smith, you resemble her very much. I thought you were her at the funeral."

I thought i saw her twin, but she has no tattoo on her Neck or red hair. She was just simple.

Thank God he did not recognized me. But were is she?

"Is a long story. I'm sorry to disturbed you."

It okay.

"Thanks for the time, i must go now."

I lead him to the door, Mr Nick can i asked you something.

"Yes go on."

Do you still love her i mean Tara.

"Yes i do love her, but i don't know if she do love me back. She left without saying anything to me, she just left a letter for me."

I went on a business trip to Canada, we call each other and even face talk. Everything was going on well, when i came back i learnt she left.

Have you ever thought maybe someone force her out of the house or from you.

"I thought the same thing Sara, but I'm confused right now.That is why i need answer from her. Even her friend Olivia don't know her whereabouts."

I'm sorry Olivia, is not my fault not telling you anything.

"He shake his head, goodnight Sara."

"Goodnight Nick. He wave at me and i wave back at him.

I'm sorry Nick i can't tell you anything right now, it better you can't find me. It also better it stay like this.

I close the door and run to the bathroom cry out loud sitting on the floor, i cry it all out. He thought i left him and i don't love him.

I saw the sadness in his eyes. I'm sorry Nick, please forgive me i know how much you love me Nick, I'm doing this for me and your child safety.

I know you are hurting soon much, please hang in there. Let hope what destiny has for as.

The Orphan Maid.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora