8. No Escape

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It wasn't long before the trio reached the lake. The path fanned out into a wide clearing of dark sand that surrounded the body of water like an ominous beach. The sun remained directly above, not moving an inch since it rose. Two figures stood at the edge of the water, turning at the sound of people approaching.

The terrified looked on Hiccup and Astrids' faces faded into relief upon the sight of their friends. "Snotlout, Tuff!" Hiccup jogged over to them with a relieved grin, "you guys made it!" His eyes then landed on Endeavor. "And you found a friend," he observed, still smiling.

"You must be Hiccup," Endeavor greeted with a small grin of her own, "I was told you have only one leg."

Hiccup rolled his eyes at the other two boys. Tuffnut looked around in confusion and asked nervously, "uh, where's Ruff?"

The smile on Hiccup's face faded. "She and Fishlegs got seperated from us just after you guys did," he explained carefully, "but I'm sure they're okay."

Snotlout looked past Hiccup toward Astrid and furrowed his eyebrows as he asked, "what's up with Astrid?"

Looking over his shoulder, Hiccup saw Astrid standing with her back toward the group, not having moved from her spot by the water. "..She's just a little shaken up," Hiccup told Snotlout.

"Astrid? Shaken up?" Tuffnut repeated in shock, "what is Loki's name could scare Astrid?"

"We're not gonna talk about it, Tuff," Hiccup responded in a warning tone.

But Endeavor squinted her eyes. She moved passed Hiccup and walked over to Astrid. Coming up beside her, the girl finally moved. Astrid blinked, confused by the unfamiliar face, but to her friends' surprise she didn't make a move to attack. Endeavor frowned and took one of Astrid's arms, examining it. White was peeling from her body in thick flakes. Finally, Astrid spoke, voice sounding distant, "who are you?"

The other boys were now surrounding the two girls, wondering what the blue-haired woman was doing. "I'm Endeavor," she responded calmly, carefully peeling away one of the big flakes. Astrid flinched, prompting the question, "does it hurt?"

Astrid shook her head, looking down at her arm. "No," she answered, "..it's cold."

Snotlout and Tuffnut wore wide eyes as they noticed the peeling of Astrid's skin. Endeavor turned to the three boys and explained as if it were a normal thing, "she's moulting. A lot of metamorphosis starts that way here."

"Moulting?" Tuffnut repeated in disgust.

"Metamorphosis?" Hiccup questioned, giving Endeavor a look as if she were crazy.

Endeavor sighed. She didn't want to have to explain everything again, but she took a breath and readied herself. However, Tuffnut beat her to it. "Apparently, the people who come here turn into mutants," he told Hiccup surprisingly casually, "happens to 'em all."

"Well, that explains the blue hair," Hiccup spoke matter-of-factly.

Endeavor raised an eyebrow. "Actually, my hair was always this color," she explained.

"Wait, so we..?" Snotlout began, his breathing becoming heavy.

"Mutants..." Astrid muttered, looking down at her arms in terror.

Hiccup put a hand on her shoulder and tried to comfort her, "it's alright; we'll be gone before anything else can happen."

"'Fraid not," Endeavor put in, raising an eyebrow at the couple, "people come here, but they don't leave. I've been here longer than I can remember. No one ever escapes...no one ever even gets close."

Before anyone could voice their arguments, leaves rustled at the treeline. Endeavor moved to stand protectively in front of the group of four. An inhuman growl gurgled lowly in the back of her throat, making Hiccup uneasy. Then he watched in horror as her body slowly morphed into that of a white-scaled beast.

"Oh, did we forget to mention that?" Tuffnut asked awkwardly.

Now in her speed stinger form, Endeavor hissed at the woods. Out of the trees popped a small rabbit with a chicken's head. One sharp fang jutted out on the right of it's beak. It squawked once and thumped it's foot.

⇧ I'm so mad at myself for⇧actually making this but here ya go, visual representation, I'm going to go rethink my life now

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⇧ I'm so mad at myself for⇧
actually making this but here ya go, visual representation, I'm going to go rethink my life now

Tuffnut immediately relaxed, seeing that it wasn't a threatening monster. But Endeavor continued to growl. She stepped toward it and roared, stinging the tiny creature with one of her tails, then whipping it far away. Changing back to human form, she turned to the four Vikings. Even Astrid, who was quite out of it, wore a look of disbelief.

"Brundle doesn't look like a threat, but his bite is venomous," Endeavor explained.

"Brundle? You named it?" Snotlout questioned.

Endeavor smiled in amusement. "No, that would be rediculous," she responded with a small laugh, "he used to be my cousin."

Everyone was beyond shocked. They watched Endeavor make her way over to the trees. She disappeared for a moment, then returned, hulling two bodies with her. She tossed them onto the sandy ground. "Do these belong to you?" She asked the four.

"Fishlegs!" Hiccup rushed exictedly to his friend.

Tuffnut also ran to his sister's side. "Ruffnut!" He exclaimed, "oh my Thor, you won't believe what we've gone through in the past few hours."

"No kidding," Ruff responded with a light laugh as she stood, "I mean, bore pits are great. But I would not wanna wrestle the bores on this island."

The Great Endeavor - A Tuffnut Love Story (HTTYD/RTTE) Where stories live. Discover now