New Base and Allies

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Perseus POV

Perseus went around the ships, showing his younger siblings everything he has on each ship and introducing the, to his team. Each of them, were all fascinated by this, and all are very interested with this. As the bond, they talk about their pasts and getting to really know each other like family. As they all talked, Percy's siblings began to take a liking into Annie and his team. Especially some of the younger ones, they all began liking her like she's there big loving sister. Percy finally learned the name of his siblings. The older ones Emily, 16, Jorden, 14, Clark, 14, Sophie, 13, Lianna, 12, Jack, 12, Nicole, 11, Fred, 10, Jack, 9, Emma, 9, Brock, 8, Miah, 7, Louis, 5, Michelle, 4, and Angel, 4. Each of them are loving to each other and help each other out. Especially since some of the Zeus and Ares cabins try to take them down. The Poseidon Cabin is right now the greatest cabin with swords. No one can be able to come close to them and some of the other cabins are jealous of that. Since the Zeus cabin believe that they are the children of Zeus, they should be the best, and along with the Ares Cabin since their father is the god of war and is suppose to be amazing with weapons. Clarisse even tries to defeat them but only ends up in failure, embarrassment, and bruises and sometimes broken bones. Needles to say, she is very ticked with them beating her each time.

I have decided along with my team, to give them some of my powers to touch energon, and be able to craft them into weapons. So they could use it to be able to fight against monsters, mortals, and the Decepticons. Although Celestial Bronze, Imperial Gold, and Stygian Iron, could damage them. It could mainly target against monsters and Decepticons, while it does a massive amount of damage to monsters, it still damages Decepticon but not enough to kill them. They are also completely useless against mortals, so that is why we decided to give them energon as weapons instead, and to be able to use our relics and read our language.

Me: Along with my team, we have decided to give all of you some energon to be able to use as weapons, as well as use our relics along to read our language.

The children are excited about this, to be able to use new weapons, use ancient relics, and to be able to read a new language. I have a feeling that the Athena children will be very jealous of this.

Me: Stand together in a circle, we will give it you now.

They all stand in a circle, and we begin the transfer,

(Pretend that they're speaking cybertronian, I don't know how to do it)
Me and my team: By power invested in me, by the power invested in Primus, and by the power invested in the matrix, we chose these children, to read our language, to use our technology, and to be able to use our weapons.

The children are all allowing blue for 3 seconds before it goes down. Angel and the younger children look at the energon, before walking towards it and pretending that they are swords. We took them away from that very quickly.

Me: You need to be careful with these, they are extremely dangerous and could accidentally hurt someone.
Angel: All wright bwig bwother!

The go back to the group and ask Emily if they can eat now since they're hungry. Emily checks her watch, and sees that it is time for dinner.

Emily: All right everyone, get in line. It's time to go and eat dinner.
Me: Yes Children, we will do this another time. For now, it is time for everyone to go outside and into the dining pavilion, we will come along with you.

We have the ships all inside the camp ground and back into our new base under camp, everyone will be on security mode and is secure. We leave are all now walking towards the pavilion, along the way we see demigods looking at us in awe and some in jealousy. They are jealous they do not have this power, since they believe they deserve this power. They must be Jack's lackeys, it is not long until we reach inside the pavilion. Everyone stops talking to look at us, we're now in our human forms. Since there are no more tables for us, we'll have to make our own. I already see WheelBurn and his team start to take out tables, which are able to transform into small little cubes so we are able to move the, around easier . But no one knows this and are confused on where we are sitting.

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